Aches & Pains: pandemic, aging, or something else?
I have always been a very fit and healthy individual, but in the past two years I feel like I have been going downhill fast. I have always eaten meals I make from scratch, have rarely taken medication (ibuprofen once a year, if that), I have always run or swim or biked/cycled nearly every day, and I am usually in the top 5…
What training feels like and why you should keep going
I wrote this on my blog, but I thought it might inspire and motivate newbies to keep at it during those first difficult weeks of training. Obviously this is based on my own experience as a lifelong athlete and other people might have different experiences, but I am imagining that if you have never done this, you might not…
Extremely Experienced Runners: need race week advice
This post is directed at extremely experienced runners who regularly compete and do track workouts as part of their training. (I have been running and competing almost my whole life, but I rarely do 5K's, so this is where I need some advice!) I am signed up for a 5K next Saturday and a 25K on the Saturday after that. I…
Aiming for a sub-20 min 5K. Would any women like to join me?
This summer my running goal is to finally achieve a sub-20 min 5K! My best time is 20:09, achieved six years ago when I was in amazing shape and before I had kids. I would love to trade workout ideas, tips, and thoughts with any other ladies who have either worked to achieve this time or would like to try with me! (No…
Habits: Accept and Manage, or Attempt to Change?
I'd love to hear your thoughts on what I think is a foundational question guiding our, or at least my, weight loss attempts: do you accept and manage deeply entrenched food habits, or do you change them? I realize the situation is not so much either/or and success probably lies in a combination of both, but I'd like to…
Postpartum exercise suggestions?
Hey moms! What did you do for exercise postpartum? Here are my concerns: 1. I've got a newborn AND a toddler, so I need to find an activity that I do with both since I do not have day care/babysitters. 2. I am usually a runner, but I do not want to run until the baby is at least 6 months (which is the middle of winter...…
April 2015 Due Date Club
Welcome to the April 2015 Due Date Club! How are you feeling? What are your nutrition and exercise goals for this pregnancy? What are you doing to stay motivated? I learned the hard way from my last pregnancy to listen to my body and not overdo it, so one of my goals this time is to cut myself some slack if my body is…
Natural heartburn remedy: fermented foods!
I am so excited about this new revelation that I thought I'd share: fermented foods can naturally alleviate heartburn! No one told me about this with my last pregnancy, and even though I researched high and low, I never stumbled across this information. This time around, I pigged out on homemade fermented sauerkraut (not…
Can't pretend I feel good.
I'm 25 weeks along and really in a funk. The magic pregnancy glow wand missed me. Yesterday I went to prenatal yoga and EVERYONE in the class was all super positive and glowing, despite whatever pregnancy complaints they had. Except me. I feel terrible. All. the. time. I'm still a little nauseous, heartburn is on and off,…
Nausea, exhaustion, insomnia --just need to whine
Pregnancy just does not agree with me. I don't think I will ever have the pregnant "glow." In my last pregnancy, I was miserable 100% of the time, and this round does not seem any different. Generally, I am a pretty positive person. When I am not pregnant, I am an exercise and health fanatic, and I love life. Pregnant, I…
Is it true what they say about pregnancy over 40?
I am really wondering if all the negativity about pregnancy after 40 is justified: difficulty conceiving, higher rate of c-section, higher risk for birth defects (this I do believe), higher rates of gestational diabetes and preeclampsia... I just turned 40 last month and I'm wondering how many other "older" mothers really…
Affordable alternatives to crossfit?
Hey MFP, I need some advice! I want to shake up my routine a little and have been thinking about joining crossfit. But the price tag at the gym here is $200/mo for 2 sessions/wk, with an upfront FOUR MONTH COMMITMENT. Four months? I don't even know if I like this and I have to commit for four months? And the cheapskate in…
Shapewear advice needed desperately!
Hello Ladies! I need some shapewear advice from those of you who have worn it before. I've gained nearly ten pounds from this pregnancy so far, and suddenly I can't fit into the dress I was planning to wear at a wedding reception this weekend! Rather than buy a new one, I'm wondering what wonders shapewear can do. I've…
How to approach doula "interview"?
Tomorrow I am meeting two potential doulas for the first time to potentially contract one of them for my labor and delivery. I have spoken with one of the phone, but even after looking at the DONA International website for potential interview questions, I still felt like I was not sure what to ask or how I will go about…
Wanted: non-Asian bok choy recipes!
Bok Choy, where have you been all my life?!!! I mean, of course I'd met you before, but not like this! Your spongy stalks promise to soak up flavors, your leafy greens come packed with nutrients! And you are so low calorie! I haven't felt this way about a vegetable since I rediscovered cauliflower. Until now, I've only had…
Prenatal Yoga
I'm starting this thread on prenatal yoga so that we can all learn about our experiences with prenatal yoga, discover new resources, and generally learn about how prenatal yoga can help with pregnancy and labor and delivery. Before getting pregnant, I had gone to yoga classes only a handful of times and did not enjoy it at…
Vote for my workout tonight -I can't decide!
Two options: 1. Master's swim practice, IM night -which means we work on all of the strokes. There's a long course meters meet this weekend and I'm a little nervous about it. We might also do starts, which would help. 2. Season opener of a weekly trail race -I'm a trail running fanatic and I've been waiting for this trail…
how a fast runner got faster -my story
I've been an on and off runner -but mostly on- for over twenty years, and a fairly successful one at races. I would typically place in the top 10-15% of the women at races, At smaller races, I may have taken second or third place here or there. This year, that completely changed. Over the summer I have entered five races,…
Swim-Run Aquathon footwear advice needed!
I just signed up for my first aquathon and I have a question for experienced racers about footwear. This race repeats: 1/3 mi swim, 1.5 mi trail run, 1/3 mi swim, 1.5 mi trail run. It seems like this kind of race might be won in the transitions and therefore, wearing my Vibram Five Fingers for the entire race to eliminate…
Non Scale Victory at the pool!
I've had a number of NSV's throughout these 15 lbs, but last night was the very best one: A swimmer who is a doctor and who hadn't been there in a few months asked me at the end of the workout if I had lost some weight. When I said yes, he said it was very noticeable in my face (the main reason I started with MFP in the…
rule of thumb for measuring 1 oz of softer cheese?
I live by those handy "rules of thumb" for measurements, like a 4 oz of chicken breast = deck of cards. But I can't seem to find any clear consensus on cheese. I eat soft mozzarella frequently and I don't know how to count 1 oz. I looked online and all of the estimates seem to vary, or they don't really use things I can…
Please join me tomorrow in a sugar detox: No Sugar Friday!
Who would like to join me tomorrow in giving up sugar for the day? Let's make this Friday be a healthy day of sugar detox, awareness of sugar addiction and the associated cravings, label reading practice, learning about healthy alternatives, and discovery of our un/conscious sugar eating behaviors! Let's learn from each…
Strategies for dealing with caloric food in social situation
Strategies for dealing with caloric food in social situations: Drink a lot of water or tea. You'll always have something in your hands and something to sip at when other people are eating as you talk, and you won't feel tempted to grab something else. The water is always a bottomless cup, plus it's good for you! In a…
Strategies for dealing with caloric food in social situation
****nb-I have posted the relevant blog entry in a different thread because the blog link hasn't been working. I made my blog postings on strategies for social eating public, and I'd love to hear your feedback: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/TheLaser Please feel free to add into the comments your own strategies for…