TheLaser Member


  • I'm grateful for all of your thoughtful and generous answers sharing your own experiences and thoughts. This is really a great community. I now have a lot of potential areas to look into that I wouldn't have considered, and probably also some simple acceptance to start accustoming myself to.
  • cwolfman13 -this is exactly it. That day you describe of doing some long hard workout on a whim and then bunch of other physical stuff is exactly how my life used to be! I would go on a hard 20+ mile run, and then bike a couple of miles to go out dancing in the evening, and the next morning I would wake up energized and go…
  • I saw that perimenopause NYTimes article and also thought that could be a contributing factor. I will also be talking to a doctor, but I do find that it's helpful to hear about others' experiences for perspective.
  • Congratulations. You must feel really wonderful and proud of your achievement.
  • It makes sense to feel down about this and it's totally ok to acknowledge those feelings. Can you have a birthday bash or something that will bring the people you care about together to celebrate your day? Today I was reading Aliki's book "Feelings" with my kids and there's a boy generously sharing, and a boy with an angry…
  • These aren't particularly unusual, but they typically work: I look at the before and after pictures on MFP. I have a cute dress hanging in the bathroom that I'd like to fit into. I look at a fb "frenemy" who is thinner. I go for a run. I try to change habits that lead me to calorie overloads, e.g. leave the kitchen in the…
  • After not running for the entire winter due to an injury, I'm feeling like the last two months of hard training is finally paying off: a 6:45 first mile in the 5K (and then the course went unmarked and we all did an extra 1/2 mile, so I have no sense of the other miles), and a ton of energy this week in preparation for a…
  • I do a lot of trail running, which forces me to modify my pace a lot. Also, I try to add random speed moments or sprint whenever I go up a hill.
  • I'm not looking for local running pals, just people to trade ideas with.
  • What they said! Try eating only natural foods -no added sugars, nothing processed, stuff you make yourself. And I often find I gain after really hard workouts. Also, since your picture shows a woman, you might also want to take time of month into account -do you typically have bloating days that could affect weight?…
  • I started at around 150 (postpartum) and am now hovering between 123-125 -can't seem to hit 120! 5'51/2". Happy to share some ideas. You can also read my blog where I posted a lot of strategies in the beginning.
  • Thanks for posting this query, as it describes my situation exactly and (I think) I'm in maintenance. I'm 43 yo and 5' 5.5". My goal was 120 (or lower), but I've been hovering at 122-125 for close to a month and feeling very ok with that. Exercise excluded, my base looks like it's around 1500. I run almost every day.
  • Tonight I ran a 5.7 mile trail race faster than my fastest time, which happened 5 years ago when I was in the best shape of my life and before I got pregnant with my first child! The next fastest group of 2 women were 21 sec/mile faster than me, but just a few weeks ago they were 44 sec/mile faster. I've only been back…
  • Great work, everyone!
  • Mine is not a radical weight loss story, just a story about trying to be the healthiest and fittest me I can be: 1.What was the turning point for you? I've done this twice. I did a challenge with a swim team for a month, then kept going and got down to my goal weight. About a year later I was pregnant, then pregnant again.…
  • I've never been overweight, but I think if I had been raised differently I would be, as I can easily put on weight even eating healthily and staying active. So my advice is, in addition to logging religiously on MPF, look hard at your lifestyle. I tend to choose active over passive activities in everyday life, even things…
  • This is my official second round on MPF, the successful first time being 2 kids and over five years ago when I was more in control of my schedule and my time. Here are some of my thoughts & suggestions based on what you've mentioned. First, congratulations on starting and realizing some of your triggers! The second step…
  • Height: 5'5" Age: 42 starting mid-July Ultimate Goal Weight: 122 Ultimate July Goal Weight: 132 July 1: 136ish July 8: 135 -this is really happening! July 15: July 22: July 29:
  • I need an extra boost! Height: 5'5" Age: 42 starting mid-July Ultimate Goal Weight: 122 Ultimate July Goal Weight: 132 July 1st: 136ish July 8th: July 15th: July 22: July 29:
  • June 17: Me: 3 LNS: 0 Knowing that I would have to post has really helped with the self-control. Great group!
  • I know June is half way through, but I only just found this challenge and I am joining you! I seem to lose all control after the kids go to bed! Can't wait to get started! My goal no snacking after dinner.
  • Wanted to chime into this great thread and hopefully make some new friends to motivate me with better cal counts. I'm 15 weeks into baby #2 postpartum and I am overweight for the first time in my life :( Last time it took me over a yearto lose and I still had 10 lbs to go when I got pregnant again. I hope I can bring it…
  • Thanks for the responses! The baby is 7 weeks. I have been walking but the baby is also not a big fan of the carseat in the stroller, so I usually end up with the toddler in the stroller and the baby in a carrier. He's a big baby (now up to 12 lbs!), so I'm slow and I also worry about him getting hot in a carrier in the…
  • Thanks for your support, Nikki! Hoping the little one comes this weekend!
  • I am now the sad, lone holdout in the April Due Date Club. And it's May. And it's International Labor Day. Too bad baby doesn't seem to know that! Oh well, I think May is a great birthday month! Come on out little one!
  • Still no baby yet here! My due date was yesterday. There are four more days left in April, and then I'll have to join the May babies group! Come on out little one! Mormonmomma: did you end up drinking raspberry leaf tea? Do you think it helped your labor? Btw, you look really good in your "after" photo holding the baby…
  • I meant new addition! Shows how tired I am! Baby come out!!!!
  • Adorable! And you look great! What an exciting story! Good thing he held off until your doc and husband were in the room :) Congratulations on this new edition to your sweet family!
  • Ok, just a quick update because I'm feeling a little excited after my prenatal appointment. Baby is still head down, about 7 lbs at this point (so yay, prob won't be 8 lbs like my last at birth), red raspberry tea really works to lighten labor (says the midwife), and I'm into the single digits until due date!