

  • I also am looking for support! I'll add you :)
  • Best of luck, if you want- Add me! Support is good!
    in Hello All! Comment by westj15 May 2011
  • The SmartOnes desserts are YUMMY....so are Skinnycow icecreams!!!
  • okay. no excuses. i'm gettin my butt on the treadmil for a half hour. thanks all!
  • I'm not used to these long days....so it's not by any means normal. I was under every other day this week....so one night won't kill me. I feel guilty but it's not like 1500 calories instead of 1200 is going to make THAT much difference....
  • I work at a Hallmark store. There is only two of us working, so we're constantly walking around asking if people need help- running for boxes and that sort of thing. i feel like you have to burn some calories standing on your feet for 11 1/2 hours...right?
  • Sister, I know the feeling. My boyfriend and I have been together now for almost 2 years and it sometimes makes it hard to lose weight whent they're telling you how beautiful you look when in reality, you can't stand to look in the mirror. Keep your chin up- and smile when the hubby says something nice because not all…
  • Thanks for the extra ideas. I have done the carrots and celery bit....just like switching it up! Definitely loving the trail mix idea. Homemade trail mix, for the win!
  • what's a crispy mini....?
  • I think Scotty is absolutely adorable..... baby lock the door and turn the lights down lowwwwwww
  • I love my wii :) Get zumba for WII , you won't regret it!!
    in Wii fit.. Comment by westj15 May 2011
  • because it tastes so good :( gahhh. okay one won't hurt me. i shall just be a good girl tomorrow and not have one! :)
    in Diet Soda Comment by westj15 May 2011
  • Right? It's one of those things that I know isn't the BEST for you...but I don't know what the harm (if any) is
    in Diet Soda Comment by westj15 May 2011
  • I'm looking for as much support as possible. PLEASE feel free to add me :)
    in New!!! Comment by westj15 May 2011