

  • Curious as well. My guess is MFP assumes everyone is doing 0 strength training. There are days I'll hit 200g of protein, but those are my gym days when I'm having protein shakes.
  • Good grief, that's a ridiculous difference. Think I'll have to get a heart rate monitor myself.
  • Tell ya what, this makes it into Guyton's, I'll take it seriously. Just because 'someone did a study' doesn't mean it's right and should be preached as fact and has the same affect on everyone. Studies used to show Native Americans were inferior in intelligence. Studies used to show that smoking was healthy. I could make a…
  • It's hard for me to believe tests like this. Anyone else remember when eggs were bad for you? I get the same vibe out of this, simply based on the fact that I have been doing a low cal diet and have been successful and healthy, and I'll go with my doctors word before I go with the word of some guy on the internet that did…
  • Having a cheat day is fine. I was 270 last december and am 211 now, and I've always had a cheat day. 1 day isn't going to harm you, your body can only process so much. Its not like you can gain lb's of fat within a 24 hour period.
  • My cheat days used to be a gorge fest of pizza, cheeseburgers, pretty much a whole day dedicated to yummy yummy trans fat. But I honestly haven't had a cheat day like that in some time. My last one I was 20 over fat and 4 over sugar but below my Cal and Carb (Sodium was through the roof though, but one day isn't going to…
  • I had a similar issue when I hit 220. I introduced weight training once every three days, and while I did initially gain a little I'm now at 211. I do miss that pace pounds were dropping between 270 and 220 lol.
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