Anyone else with 100lb weight loss goal?



  • Chuki5
    Chuki5 Posts: 73 Member
    i think 100 even will get me where i want should be...... i am down 77........i have had plateaus multiple times in the past 255 days... the most recent was i went up 2 lbs for about a week and a half despite having increased exercise and decrease caloric intake....plateaus come and go but always seem to show up when you least expect them...hang in there, it will go away... sometimes i have a very high calorie day and it seems to jolt my body into burning more because of the increased intake. I do make sure to keep fully hydrated so that i am not getting false readings...i also weigh in once a week at the same time in the morning... i have found i actually weigh more or less at different times of the day
  • The interval training falls under the premise of "tricking" your body into burning more by making it constantly raise and lower your heart rate.

    As for why, when you're heart rate increases, your body runs hotter, so essentially, when you're sweating and you're body works (running a bit hotter) the constant changes more or less shock your body each time you start the sprinting again.

    But, to be clear, you should also devote some cardiovascular time to just walking at a brisk pace, as well as doing the intervals, for it'll increase your overall longevity.
  • hill2423
    hill2423 Posts: 15 Member
    I started back on MFP about 2 weeks ago and my goal is between 80-100lbs. Its been a struggle but I have my motivation back. One of my biggest problem is drinking water but so far so good. After about two weeks of drinking nothing but water it just gets old. Any suggestions?

    You seem to be doing well. Maybe trying different workout you may overcome the plateau stage. Good Luck!!!!
  • mkendle84
    mkendle84 Posts: 1
    When I first started losing weight, I had about 128 pounds to lose. When I started getting serious on MFP (about 3 or 4 weeks ago), I had 105 to go. As of this morning, I'm at 99, but I've been stuck there for almost two weeks now. I know exactly why though. Weather has not been co-operating with my love of running outdoors instead of on a treadmill, so I've been slacking on the aerobics front. I WILL change that though.
  • i sooooooooooo agree with you Gabrielle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • i soooooooooooo agree with you .................have a normal life!!!
    Well this is not a product you ever come off of its a life style ! you just change the products your taking it is 2 meal replacments a day and few snakes ! also has a business side i am just starting to look in to . I encourage you to check out it will change your life ! like I said its not a product its a complete system and life style ! its a forever thing not just a for now till i get my goal thing !

    NO NO NO!!! I wont live on meal "REPLACEMENTS!" food is GOOD. Food is a FRIEND. Food is NOT the enemy. LOL but seriously, not to attack anyone in particular because to each his own...but WHY try to starve the body skinny? I understand a shake or drink if ON THE RUN and you CANT cook. But if you CAN cook, and you CAN eat...WHY WOULDNT YOU?

    We have to abandon the beliefs that LOW CALORIE, LESS FOOD is the way to lose weight. ITS A LIE!!!! The body needs Proteins, Carbs, Fruits and Veggies. PERIOD. Feed yourself dang it!
  • ChelleBalady
    ChelleBalady Posts: 204
    Hi Jessy,

    Not 100 but 92, close enough lol. I started at 222 and am currently 176. My goal is 130 as well. Only tip I can provide is to plan out meals and keep moving lol. Feel free to add me.
  • shadus
    shadus Posts: 424 Member
    There are a lot of ways you can lose weight and often times when the weight itself plateaus you'll be losing inches around your neck, waist, legs, etc... alternately make sure you've re-checked your BMR since losing weight... for example (roughly- for me, also keep in mind, even a sedentary life style would burn significantly more calories than the BMR rate so don't try to use these numbers for anything real, it wouldn't be healthy they're just numbers i had handy):

    Basal Metabolic Rate: 2362.77 (male) 318lbs, 36 years, 69in
    Basal Metabolic Rate: 2135.97 (male) 268lbs, 36 years, 69in
    Basal Metabolic Rate: 1909.17 (male) 218lbs, 36 years, 69in

    So lets say I'm eating 1750 calories a day on average when I start, I would be -612/day or ~1.3lbs/week. Once I get down to 268 that number is reduced to -385/day or ~.8 lbs/week. Once I get down to 218 I'd be at -159/day or ~3 weeks/lb. Sometimes as you lose weight you need to re-adjust your goals to maintain your weight loss at the rate you were at previously. In my personal experience (i've bounced ~340->200 a few times) the last few lbs are significantly harder to lose than the first few... but also much more rewarding as you reach your goal :)

    TL;DR - Double check your calorie goals and values, if all is well-- don't stress it. Keep doing what is right and the weight WILL come off.
  • Chuki5--> Well done on 77lb loss -that's fantastic! I weigh in once a week on a Monday so hopefully I have a loss next week. I definitely will hang in there-joining and speaking to everyone has motivated me :) I had a great workout today and really pushed harder! So thank you :)

    skasis_paradi --> I did intervals on the bike! Its amazing how when I am just riding at a steady pace, I can ride for 20 minutes, but when I did the intervals today-I could only manage 10! I was sweating a lot more too! Hopefully it works and kick starts good losses for me again. Is that what you have done through most of your loss? You have lost so much-enlighten us! :)

    hill2423--> well I am literally where you are, my goal was 100lb. It was hard to get started but once you do, you never want to look back. Its great you are motivated now :) Me just talking on here has pumped me today and I had a great workout! With water, I am not one of those people who drink 8 glasses a day-I just cant :) I do keep a bottle of water with me filled up though. Before I eat breakfast, I drink a whole glass of water-after about an hour I will eat breakfast. And then I just sip water throughout the day! I should probably drink more :) Yes I have tried new exercises today so hopefully this will help this stalemate :) Sincerely good luck to you too!

    mkendle84--> at least you know why you hit a plateau for a while so you can overcome it. I wasnt sure why I had as I felt I was working hard. But Ive had a lot of advice I am taking on board. Well done for your loss, definitely keep it up! :)

    AzChelle--> Hi :) Wow we seem to have been at similar weights, have similar goal weights and have lost similar amounts! I want to be 176 next week! Bring on Monday weigh in :) Thanks for the tip-noted :)

    shadus--> Hi :) Thanks what an informative message!! I'm going to re-adjust my goals in that I will aim to burn more calories a week. You are right though as even though my weight has been the same for the past month, my waist/hips in inches has dropped by 2 inches! Not sure how that adds up but I'm not complaining :) You're right, it was a doddle to drop the first 50 compared to now, Im really having to work for it now. It will be worth it in the end!

    To all--> thanks again for all the advice and messages! Its great to see those who have lost great amounts who can inspire me to those who are just beginning who I can inspire. Only we can shape our destiny! (literally) Have a great night all (Its PM in London :) )

  • Lennonluv2
    Lennonluv2 Posts: 956 Member
    Hi---I have about 80 more pounds to lose. I've lost 38 since January. My weigh in today had me staying the same as last week, last week I lost 2 but the week prior I stayed the same. I suppose it's not really considered a plateau at this point and I'm trying not to overthink things. Trying with a capital T. lol

    I changed my cardio a bit this week, I've spent more time on the treadmill and started running for a few minutes even. I've given myself a giant incline at a slower speed then a small incline and put the speed up to 3.7 mph's. I did this mainly for a change, to keep from feeling bored. Upping the incline gives me a serious burn in calories also. I went three miles for the first time the other day and I felt super proud of myself.

    I was really bummed this morning to see no loss but am trying to remind myself to be patient. Maybe that's all you need too. Give it time and keep on doing what you're doing. Hard work always pays off....right?? :smile:
  • ldstrange
    ldstrange Posts: 17
    Count me in...I'm down 28 lbs after 8 weeks, averaging about 3.5 lbs/wk so I am very happy with my progress so far. Honestly, it's not been that hard to make the changes I needed to make.

    I understand that it will get harder the less I have remaining to lose, but what the hell, I'll just drop the claoric intake and up the exercise a bit.

    Right now all I can say is..."It's ALL good!" :)
  • The difference is mind-blowing when you first try it out. You realize just how hard it is to follow through on such a simple premise. When I first tried it a month and a half ago, I could barely sprint at 6.5. Since then, I can sprint at about 9.0 on a 15 incline for 10 seconds + 10 rest and at 10.0 on a reasonable incline of anywhere from 1-9 for the complete 20-10 split.

    The first week I started doing it I lost about 2 pounds. The second week about 2 again; then, on the 3rd week, it skyrocketed to a 7 pound loss, taking me from 247 to 240. Since, I've changed up the tabata and the cardio and the 5 pounds that came off in 2 days occurred.

    The explanation to me was that It takes the body 2-3 weeks to adjust to the new routine, which is why I then opted to adjust it in the same sequence from here on out. So my advice is to give it about 2-3 weeks before you get discouraged and who knows, you may even see the results sooner or a bit later (depending on how your body reacts to it)
  • LennonLuv2 - congrats for your loss so far! I think you are right I need to be patient . I have to remember when I started this I said to myself "this will be a slow process" I guess I am trying to rush it now as I want to have a new body for the new year :) and that's not far away now! It's so easy to overthink- I remember a phase of me weighing myself everyday about 3 times a day and being upset when it went up! I got obsessive for a while, but I'm okay now. Don't be bummed look at how much you have lost so far! It wil definetly pay off in the end-you're right we just have to work hard and be patient :)

    Idstrange - that's a great weekly loss! Congrats! Hope I can mimick you on weigh in day :)

    Skasis-paridi- you give such informative advice thanks so much. Well I will whole heartedly try this for the next few weeks-I hope it kickstarts good losses for me again! I have to shock my body again and today was a shock :D 15 incline?? Lol the maximum I do-walking quickly- is incline 10. Running- I can only run on incline 2-3 right now! Can I also ask you, I really want to build arm strength and burn arm fat-WITHOUT getting body builder arms- so I'm scared to lift weights! Any advice on how to go about that?
  • Moviegal77
    Moviegal77 Posts: 65 Member
    Congratulations on your results so far. I can't wait to get there too.

    To answer your question, if I were in your shoes I would be sure to re-calculate how many calories you need at you're new slimmer current weight. Then I would change up my entire workout routine. I would try new classes, try those classes that maybe you thought were too intimidating when you first started. If you're used to the treadmill then switch to the elliptical or stair climber.

    Good luck.
  • Y05H1
    Y05H1 Posts: 9
    I had a similar issue when I hit 220. I introduced weight training once every three days, and while I did initially gain a little I'm now at 211.
    I do miss that pace pounds were dropping between 270 and 220 lol.
  • For the most part, it's a dangerous myth that just because you start lifting that you'll look like a female Mr. Universe. The truth is, I have a female friend who lifts regularly and she looks nothing like that. Truth is, steroids are the only way you would look like that in the first place. So don't be afraid to pick up some dumbbells and do some concentration curls, forearm raises and triceps exercises to sculpt and cut the arms to your desired tone.

    if you are that hesitant, find a comfortable weight that you have to work to get through and stick with it for a little while before moving up the weights. Though I highly encourage you to make a routine and go about it the normal way.

    Glad I could be of some help :).
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    I started at 252 lbs and reached my goal of 125. Thankfully, I never plateaued and I think I can owe that to CONSTANTLY changing up my workout. I hit the gym(and do Yoga) 5-6 days a week, so I would(and still do) change up my exercise routine about every 4-5 workouts. It's important to not let your body fall into a routine. If you are generally doing the same workout each time, your body eventually falls into a routine and doesn't have to work as hard; Which results in fewer calories burned. If you frequently change up your workouts, it will keep that body guessing!

    Good luck!
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    Hi Jessytenzin! I have a 100 lbs. goal, and I am halfway there.

    Been on MFP since Sept. 2012. Went from 225.5 to 175.5,and then plateau'ed big time. Like you, I lost between 3-5 lbs. per week at first, and now I'm lucky if I lose .5 lb. per week. But that's OK! They say the closer you get to your goal, the slower you lose, so I'm good with that. After all, this is a lifestyle change, not just a diet.

    Good luck to you, and hang in there! :)
  • tryin08
    tryin08 Posts: 41 Member
    My goal is a little more than 100lbs, but I would love to chat with you all. I was that overweight child and never took a day of gym class due to a hip issue. I have tried many diets, that failed, and I just kept gaining. I did the two shakes a day and it worked, but that was when ephedra wasn't banned. I have since regained all that plus more. I did try to do that program again, but it just didn't work. My 40th birthday is tomorrow and i don't want to stay this weight for my 40s. I have very young children and want to be able to things with them. I'm off for the summer so I decided to use this time to get my butt in motion and eat less. MFP has really helped because it makes logging so easy. I've never wanted to do it before. I'm not using a scale that often, instead looking for all those little NSVs like my flabby left arm losing that roll so that I can wear short sleeve shirts with confidence. I will check my weight periodically, because if I do it more often, I'll get discouraged. Congrats on all of your weight losses!
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    I started at 285 on here top weight ever was 295 and now I am down to 250-252. And I totally agree with what you are saying it really slows down a lot. I started in January. And I took about a month and a half off and just somewhat watch what I ate and didn't log or really exercise all that much just to see what happens. Mostly because I was tried of working so hard and wanted a break but also because I hear about people losing all this weight then gaining it right back. Over the month and a half I lost 4 pounds which isn't much at all but I was happy. I have been back about 1 week and my weight is coming off pretty fast at least so far. Would I say this would work for everyone or I would even recommend it? No not really, but it has at least so far worked for me.