

  • my legs suck too... but recently i am beginning to show some gains in mass and strength... my rules to legs are the following: 1. all heavy lifts first. because i suck at squats i work on them first, i guess depending on your ability you may either start on dead lifts or squats. 2. start light and work up to your 1RM. once…
  • you sound as though you have an issue with your adrenal glands --> body is producing more than the normal amount of the stress hormone cortisol... read up on it, or check out some vids on youtube, may want to make some lifestyle changes such as getting better sleep... also, BMR stands for Base Metabolic Rate... meaning…
  • maybe try yoga? check out youtube, i'm sure there is plenty of good videos you can watch, or even better, sign up with a class.
  • This is my thoughts on priority - this should be the same for both males and females I won't go in depth, as I could talk about this all day. 1. Diet 2. sleep 3. exercise - a. resistance (weights) b.cardio
  • RE: Pcastagner's 1000 calorie deficit according to your photos you dropped a considerable amount of weight/fat, well done! i wouldn't recommend your way as it is risky, i been there, i done it, and although i dropped in excess of 20lbs i did lose muscle and ended up looking like a smaller version of my fat self and ended…
  • don't try and lose epic amounts in a small time. you will end up going catabolic and lose muscle (muscle helps keep you lean and healthy!!! keep / build muscle!!!) i know this kinda goes against the purpose of having a calorie counter, but if you continually make small healthy changes over long periods you will lose fat…