

  • I log every day, it's part of my routine now. I'd love to talk to anyone, so feel free to add me, it's always nice to meet new friends, especiailly those also trying to lose weight :)
  • Hi, I'm 21 :) Lost a stone so far, and hoping to lose two more, fingers crossed :D
  • I'm 21 and 5'5.5" SW was 210 CW is 196 GW is 168 My UGW is 140 but I plan to review when I reach 168 and see if I still want/need to lose more weight. I don't think being that skinny would suit me, but we'll see when I reach 168 :)
  • So sorry to hear about your dog. We lost our first dog in October 2010, he was only three, and the grief still affects us to this day. People who are not dog owners might not understand the total love and adoration we feel for them. Remember you have had twelve wonderful years with her, she has been loved, and you have her…