

  • P90X is a great workout for me. I started it and was very out of shape and instead of trying to keep up with it, I would just make sure I was doing the exercise correctly and take breaks when I needed to. Now I can keep up and I don't need a break so it is possible to work up to it when you start right out of a sedentary…
  • Give the scale a break. Remember muscle weighs more than fat. Measure yourself instead.
  • I do p90x. I started it without any real prior workout routine, I just started slow, took breaks when I needed to, and concentrated more on doing the exercise properly instead of keeping up with the reps. Now I can keep up and I don't have to hit pause once throughout an entire workout. I really like it and find it to be…
  • Sounds like he needs to realize how important this is to you. My fiance and I cook together and workout together. I find it very helpful but if he doesn't want to join you then he needs to at least support you. I'd talk to him. Support is a huge thing especially when your fighting a hard battle like losing weight. Good…
  • I do it about once a week - every 2-3 weeks. I don't put much thought into what it says though. I lift weights regularly and muscle weighs more than fat...what I prefer to do is take measurements and then calculate my body fat %. I feel that is a more effective way of determining fat weight vs just seeing your overall…
  • I take one day off a week. I eat whatever I want just watch how much of it I eat. I look at it as a reward for my hard work all week.
  • Yeah 700 calories a day is way too little. Anything less than 1200 isn't good. Your body needs fuel and by only eating 700 calories a day you are defiantly not giving your body what it needs. High calorie clean foods include: unsalted nuts: walnuts (1/8 c = 180 calories), pecans, almonds, peanuts, etc. Peanut butter…