

  • I am on it ALOT! lol... I am at school for the most part of the day, and am bored over half of the time.. So what do I do? I get on MFP! hehe..
  • Support buddies are always a good thing!! :)
  • I am 20 soon to be 21~ I would def join the twenties group! :) i weigh 173 lbs, and don't enjoy it at all. my target goal is 135 which is what i weighed in high school. good luck to y'all~
  • I came across it from an extensive convo about weight loss with a friend.. and looking thru iphone apps :) I think it is going to be a wonderful addition to my weight loss success
  • okay... sounds like a good plan... but walks for mr.tucker consist of walking to the stop sign right next to my house and back his little teeny legs do not need much to get him exercise! lol but deal on the no popcorn!
  • its hard to do it alone! Motivation is everything! :) do you have a friend that might be of assistance in helping to keep you on your toes and diet?
  • I sorry alicyn :) please forgibe me??
  • the only thing bad with working out that late is it will get your adrenaline going and you will not want to go to sleep! lol i always feel like cleaning or doing something active after working out.,... good luck
    in help Comment by cminter007 January 2010
  • oooo me too! i gained over 40 lbs in 6 months working at a restaurant and 3 years later im still holding onto that 40 lbs... it's quite ridiculous! if you need motivation hit up Alicyn or me, and we'll be right there :)