

  • I use Endomondo a lot, for cycling and running. Like others I find that it does overestimate calorie burn, so I mainly use it to track distance/time and work out the calories when I update my diary on MFP.
  • Had an LG G3 for a couple of weeks now. I have chubby fingers so needed a big screen! Great camera, very fast and should stay up-to-date for a while.
  • I eat too much when I get bored, so I have a few films that I watch to try and distract me from snacking in the evenings. Serenity Princess Bride Ghostbusters Top Gun Independence Day Master and Commander: Far Side of the World Indiana Jones - Raiders and The Last Crusade Pretty much any of the Marvel films Toy Story 1,2…
  • I'm in (need a new exercise challenge while my bike is being repaired). Wed 6th Aug - 6 miles Thurs 7th Aug - 4 miles Sat 9th Aug - 9 miles
  • Hi everyone. My exercise usually comes from cycling but my bike is awaiting repairs at moment, so doing a lot of walking instead (at least, I'm trying to). Mainly use the GPS on my phone, but got given a Fitbit so thought I'd try it out on a trip to London on Saturday. 22803 steps later, I was absolutely knackered. Don't…
  • 5.94 miles yesterday. Average speed was so low as I had to keep slowing down to walking pace to get past the hordes of dog walkers and ramblers. Might have to find a less busy place or time of day - not burning many calories riding at 5mph :(
  • 3.96 miles today, avg speed 9 mph. Crashed for the first time since I was about 15 today. Cruising along, tried to slide past a car waiting to turn, misjudged the gap and had a lovely slowmotion tumble into a load of stinging nettles. Ouch!! Should have probably stopped instead of passing but I had just struggled up a bit…
  • Hi everyone, Got a new bike on Friday, first time cycling for about 8 years. First impressions - wow I'm flying along, this is great. Then I hit a tiny little slope and went flying down the gears onto the granny ring, just trying to keep momentum. Managed to get over the top before I hit 27th gear but only just. Maybe I…
  • Just bought a new bike myself after spending weeks going over the possibilities. Agree with the previous poster's advice - go to your local bike shop and try a few different types out to see what feels right. You don't want to spend loads only to end up not liking the bike and having it sitting around. Personally I ended…
  • I'm hoping for the open world madness of Just Cause 2 with some of the activities of Red Dead Redemption, like hunting animals then trading skins/meat for fuel/ammo.
    in Mad Max! Comment by kryten83 June 2013
  • Just ordered my copy. Should be better playing this for short bursts every day rather than long slob sessions of Dishonered or Tomb Raider. I can take my 3DS with me on my bike rides and have a quick game on my halfway break.
  • Hi, John here, 30 years old, long-time gamer. That might explain why i need to lose so much weight, not burning many calories sitting in bed playing Skyrim for 100+hrs. Love RPGs and 3rd person adventures, anything I can disappear into for hours on end. Dark Souls, Fallout, RDR, GTA, anything like that. HATE shooters…