Hey there! Welcome to myfitnesspal. I added you, feel free to ask me anything. I also comment on statuses quite often so if you post a question, I'll try and answer it the best that I can. :)
trades person.
Does any other fruit do this to you? Fruits like strawberries perhaps? Do they make your mouth itchy at all as well? Your symptoms are sounding like an allergic reaction. Which could be dangerous if you have a severe one. Food allergies are something you shouldn't leave unchecked. If you think you may be allergic to…
Buy a nutribullet. Fruits are high in healthy sugars which will give you quite the energy boost when combined with other high energy boosting fruits. For example, a whole apple will give you more of a boost than a cup of coffee in the morning (this if a scientific fact). If you haven't heard of nutribullet just google it,…
Hey there and welcome back. :) Feel free to add, I like to think I've got the whole nutrition thing down packed if you need any pointers.
I agree with the chasing calories point. Accept that your will power failed temporarily for a meal and move on. Do not let your "cheat meal" become a "cheat day" and this just screams bad idea by telling yourself its ok to eat crap if you run a little harder next time. This is encouraging yourself to sabotage own your…
No! Your body doesn't just say "meh, maybe tomorrow" when you lack something. When it lacks something it needs, it steals it from something else. When your muscles break down after working out they need glutamine to repair themselves, your body will break down other muscles for their glutamine if you do not get it with…
Don't focus too much on the number. If you notice the number starts to runaway in the undesirable direction, I would start to focus on the number. Until then I really wouldn't worry about your weight fluctuating. I personally go from 155-164 and back again in within a few days so when people ask how much I weigh I usually…
First of all, congratulations on the weight loss. It's always nice to see progress. :) I am not a doctor or a nutritionist, just a guy who cares a little more than average about his body and what he eats.. If you feel as if you are losing too much weight I would suggest you simply eat a little more but just try to increase…