cvince8 Member


  • I have Chalean Extreme, Body Beast and P90X (including P90X+). I like them all but for results I think Body Beast is the best. I feel like those videos are much more efficent and fun. P90x seems to have a lot of uncessary breaks, mainly because people are working at their own pace and it's 8-12 reps each move (or something…
  • I honestly doubt you will be anywhere close to walking in a week. My surgey was on both big toes - they removed a piece of bone and put the toes back together with a metal screw. Perhaps you have bunions on different toes or your procedure is a bit different? My aunt has had bunions removed from her little toes and I know…
  • I had bunion removal surgery on both feet at the same time about 7 years ago. in all honesty, you probably will not be able to work out for at least a month because you can't stand and you're not going to feel like doing anything. For the first two weeks I couldn't even put my feet below my heart (was laid up in bed with…
  • I have the program. She's annoying, very annoying however the strength training videos are good as are the ab videos. All the strength training videos are half weights and half cardio. Makes for a pretty good workout in 30 minutes or less. The ab videos have really unique moves that will hit your abs in ways other videos…
  • My opinion of the program is mixed. Some videos are great and some, well, it feels like she spends half the time calling up different people to do the moves. I like to GO in my workouts, not stand around and waste time. Overall I think the videos that use weights are better and the ones that are just cardio are not so…
    in JNL Fusion Comment by cvince8 June 2013