Beachbody workout weightlifting suggestions..PLEASE

Suggestions please…I would like to add weights as part of my at-home workout routine. I’ve been leaning towards Les Mills Pump.

Any success stories with Les Mills Pump, Body Beast, or any other videos?

I am 5ft 7in have about 45lbs to lose.


  • stangirl1995
    stangirl1995 Posts: 43 Member
    I personally have always had great results with Chalean Extreme. I am doing another round as we speak! Workouts are short and very effective.
  • zeusbella
    zeusbella Posts: 137 Member
    Is Chalean Extreme done with weights?
  • stangirl1995
    stangirl1995 Posts: 43 Member
    Yes, it is heavy lifting. Each phase changes in how heavy and how many reps you do. You can use either hand weights or resistance bands.
  • Chalean Extreme is a good program mixing weight training with cardio. It is well designed to burn fat and lose weight. It a kinda less extreme version of P90X with shorter workouts.

    Body Beast is an awesome program too, it is more about putting on muscle mass. For women it will give you a more toned body and help you lose weight too. My favorite Beachbody program by far.

    Les Mills pump is pretty different, you use a curl bar with light to moderate weights and do exercices with a lot of reps to burn your muscle down.
  • zeusbella
    zeusbella Posts: 137 Member
    Thank you. Very helpful.
  • Naomi0504
    Naomi0504 Posts: 964 Member
    I personally have always had great results with Chalean Extreme. I am doing another round as we speak! Workouts are short and very effective.

    I have done this too. If you're looking for a BB weights workout, I'd recommend it. Unless you wanted to try P90X.
  • aatlchavens
    aatlchavens Posts: 44 Member
    I'm another lover of ChLean Extreme! I'm on my second round now. I love the heavy lifting and lost over all 18" last time. I have fewer inches to lose now so I'm certainly not expecting the same results with the second round but I feel it is a great program.
  • This may sound stupid, but what is Body Beast? Is it a CD collection, website, or some other program?
  • jjwalker77
    jjwalker77 Posts: 22 Member
    Another Chalean Extreme fan here. I am just entering week 5 and into the second "PUSH" phase of the work out. Chalean's philosophy is to work the muscle to failure in a short amount of reps (which means you have to lift heavy, but the workouts are 35-45ish minutes...) It's basically 3 heavy lifting workouts and 2 combo cardio/weight interval workouts and a yoga-ish Recharge per week (plus some ab concentration).

    I have been mixing it up and running a little, too - but I'm amazed with how much my running has improved because of the weights (And turbo Fire, which I also love)
  • cvince8
    cvince8 Posts: 5 Member
    I have Chalean Extreme, Body Beast and P90X (including P90X+). I like them all but for results I think Body Beast is the best. I feel like those videos are much more efficent and fun. P90x seems to have a lot of uncessary breaks, mainly because people are working at their own pace and it's 8-12 reps each move (or something like that). Most of the videos don't have you repeat the moves so he has to keep introducing the next move. Chalean Extreme only does each move one time around except for a few where you do 3 super slow reps.

    With Body Beast there are definitely breaks, but they are necessary and not because someone in the video isn't done or the host is demonstrating the next move, and you repeat the moves. I feel like I get the best results and use my time better when I do Body Beast.

    You should also look into Supreme 90. It's cheap and effective as well.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I just started ChaLEAN Extreme last night so I don't have any results, other than the fact that I am pretty sore right now. I see why day 2 on the schedule is a rest day.

    My daughter did P90X a few years back and had really good results. Not in weight loss, as she was already quite slim, but it really toned her up. (Yeah, I said toned and I meant it)