dalekhunter Member


  • Thanks for the advice and commiseration everyone. I was just so upset that I couldn't even walk to the park last night without paying for it later on. I had purchased a pregnancy workout online with modifications for each trimester and now I just walk by all my equipment without being able to use it. I think I'm gonna go…
  • I've thought about it but spreading my legs or putting them at any distance apart is painful so I think the moves I would be able to do would be limited. I tried it during my first pregnancy but couldn't do it for very long.
  • The doctor isn't helping and there is only one women's clinic in my town. Also insurance (military) doesn't cover chiro although at this point I wouldn't be beyond cashing out some stocks to get some relief. I can't imagine how much worse it's going to get in the next few months.
  • I'm 7 weeks pregnant right now. Due in October. I am feeling so terrible about myself at the moment. I've been working out nearly everyday for the last 7 months but we've been living in a hotel since Feb 27 because of my husband's PCS. Then we drove across country for 6 days and now have been living in a hotel again for a…
  • I never had huge boobs, except for when I was breastfeeding. I went up to a C cup. Now I have an A cup. Maybe. I tried on swimsuits the other day and the push-up tops for A cups were way too big. I'll be shopping in the junior section this summer.
  • I've got to do Day Four today, but I just wanted to comment on the soreness. Once you get through the warm-up and get your muscles moving the soreness goes away. Mostly.
  • I did Level One Day Two today, and also p90X3 - The Challenge because I ate way too much today. I'm not too hungry when I'm on my period but the few days after I am ravenous!
  • EdenSienna, I'm 5'7", 136 lbs and I burned 256 calories this morning doing the shred for a very unfocused 30 minutes. I have a chest heart rate monitor. I was worried about the burn at first for such a short workout but I think it'll be okay for 30 days. I might still do my P90X3 today too.
  • Focus T25 is a beachbody program and so is P90X3.
  • It's 20 minutes. I did day one this morning. It took me 31 minutes because my 3 year old needed something every 2 minutes. Like seriously!?! I thought trying to do 25 minutes of T25 and 30 minutes of P90X3 was impossible. I can't even get 20 minutes uninterrupted for the 30DS.
  • Noosa! They have so many different flavors and it's so thick and creamy. At 290 calories for 8 ozz, it's a treat I limit myself to. But when I get one, I eat it slow and savor it. I would take this yogurt, especially the lemon, over cake, pie, ice cream any day.
  • Blue Bell!?! I'm from Texas but I've been in Washington state for 9 years. I have missed the Blue Bell and all of it's delicious, creamy varieties. I've moving back to Texas in 33 days! Blue Bell ice cream will be my first purchase. And then to find a home...
  • I use weights, 5 lb and 8 lb, I know, you're impressed. But just doing Beachbody workouts at home for now since I'm a stay at home mom with no child care. But I am definitely a nerd! Psychology major and Doctor Who addict, as well as Supernatural, Sherlock, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Etc! Use to do the…
  • When y'all are eating oatmeal, are y'all doing the 1/2 c. serving size or more than that?
  • Okay this morning, I had one cup of greek yogurt, 1/4 cup of walnuts, 1/2 a banana, and 1 tablespoon of honey, an hour later and I am starving again! That filled me up when I ate it.
  • I am exercising and I do eat back a majority of my calories. I started taking B-12 vitamins two weeks ago and I wonder if that's increasing my metabolism enough to make me hungrier.
  • The salad is a great idea. I've been buying the Fresh Express mixed greens boxes and totally forgot to do that this week! I drink a lot of water but I don't think its 8 glasses a day. Maybe 5. I'll try upping that and see where it gets me. Thanks.
  • I am hungry. There is a definite aching, burning hungry feeling in my stomach!
  • Thanks for all the replies and encouragement. I will start doing the negative pullups and hopefully in a few weeks I can say that I can do more than one or two pullups!
  • Thank you very much, I'll try the negatives until I can get the bands.
  • Yesterday I did day one of P90X3. And also day 5 of Brazil Butt Lift, well, I just did the High and Tight, not the Cardio Axe. I don't like the dancing. But I'm trying to figure out a good hybrid of the two. I was really excited for P90X3 the past few months and couldn't wait to get it, but then I started BBL while I was…
  • I loved Gamma. Especially the Pyramid! I switched around between 5 lbs. and 8 lbs.
  • Yes I did breastfeed one child for 3 years, well 3.5.
  • You know what? They were gonna go at some point, I'd rather be fit and have saggy ones now than be out of shape and have saggy ones now and later. :)
  • Probably because it's the only place I am noticeably losing fat, as opposed to the fat in my thighs and *kitten* where it's free for the taking but is hanging on for dear life.
  • Ha! I've already been pregnant, I went to a C cup. Oh those were the days. I have been breastfeeding for 3 years and weaning now so they are not even little and perky just saggy. Oh well, hopefully I'll have a booty that will make me happy after some BBL. Thanks for the commiseration!