

  • Ive always felt admiration for blokes who stick it out in a really cool class when they are the only guy. If its a good class, with a good trainer & friendly students who are focused on working out & supporting each other then I would definitely stay. Your concern for people's comfort & space is a great asset for for group…
  • Hi I so agree! The natural high once one's body is running on ketones rather than glucose is profound. Not to mention the improvement in mood, allergies, skin conditions, it goes on and on. More and more people are getting switched on to this kind of food approach. It may not be neccesary to live a glucose free life…
  • Oh yeah baby thats me! Hiya. Ive just joined up to MFP & looking for MFP friends also doing a zero carb zero sugar diet. I myself am on a high fat zero carb diet commonly known as a ketogenic diet. I think ive just perfected my high fat zero sugar zero dairy icecream & gonna try it out tonight cant wait! Dont worry about…
  • Hey Laura my only child is six now but I still havent lost the 20 kilos i put on from pregnancy! It really is hard to put yourself first when you have little ones underfoot. They can zap all your energy, will power & passion about getting your health back. Id love to be friends on MFP so we can support each other as mums…