Hey all Im a fitness pal beginner on a ketogenic diet. If any of you out there are on a keto diet to treat mental illness, epilepsy, cancer, diabetes, weight loss or simply because you want to have the healthiest brain at the party I'd love to be your MFP friend. Also if a ketogenic group already exist please let me know…
Hi all I went out today & bought some gymnema sylvestre & hoodia supplements today. The first is a source of gymnemic acid which temporarily blocks the sweet receptors on your tongue & GI tract causing sweets to taste pretty gross ( like melting sand).Brilliant hey? Hoodia on the other hand is the controversial Kalaharia…
Hey there fellow MFPers. I am using MFP to help me manage my ketogenic diet regime. It's not easy to do without keeping close control over your macro percentages. I've fallen off the weightloss/keto wagon many a time - it's my main form of exercise falling off & getting on again. I guess I have a lot of trouble controlling…