

  • Heyy. Me Too I feel like I'm talkin' to my twin my family has a HUGE history of diabetes, High Cholesterol, My Uncle even lost his foot from diabetes so I'm tryin' to lose weight too. I would LOVEE to be your friend on here.(:
  • I recommend a Pilates teacher Cassey Ho. She is on YouTube is you don't want to buy her DVD. She is a wonderful motivator &' she will absolutely help you tone up alot.! Her name on YouTube is Blogilates is you want to research her on YouTube.(:
  • Hi, I 5'2 &' I'm tryin' to lose 20-30 lbs too.!(: I lost 10 lbs. but then my sister came back home &' we went out to all kind of restaurants when she left I hopped on the scale &' noticed I had gained 8 of those pounds back so I have to work even harder to loose the extra pounds.!