Calling all short girls



  • femmefae
    femmefae Posts: 65 Member
    Hey guys! My name is Faith and I'm standing proud (but just barely) at 4'10". I've been at this for about one year and have gone from 168 of my highest weight to 129 and some change now. I originally had a goal weight but now I'm kind of just looking to be fit and toned up with curves to kill. I currently am plateauing (whyyyy?!) but trying and giving it my all to break :). I try to do Pilates 4x a week, lifting 4-5x a week, zumba 1x a week, swimming 2-3x a week, running 3-4x a week, and biking 3x a week...I like doing stuff as you can see! And all on about 1570 cals a day but I might be changing that soon. Feel free to add if you like!
  • Katie5961
    Katie5961 Posts: 48 Member
    Hey girl! I'm 5'2" as well and always looking for new fitness friends :-) I'm a fitness buff but gained a ton of weight back during an ankle injury. Boooo. But I'm back in action now and ready to kick some butt!

    My new program, 2.8 pounds down, 18.2 to go :)
  • Hi, I'm D. I'm new here. I set up an account here since none of my friends are trying to lose as much weight as I am and I couldn't find anyone to talk to or gain inspiration and motivation from; I guess, not having anyone to share what you're going through makes the whole process of losing weight and getting back in shape very challenging.

    I'm 24 and at 5'3 I aim to lose 38lbs to get to my ideal weight. Gained 15lbs last year when I started working at a new company. All the drinking and stress-eating were really doing me in. When my pants would no longer zip all the way up, I got so desperate and decided to take these weight loss (appetite suppressant) pills sometime in late 2012. They worked like magic, but only until the last pill at the bottom of the bottle was gone. I gained back all the weight I had lost and more, quicker than I could have imagined.

    I just resigned last month and am now taking a bit of a breather before working again. I want to use this time to get back in shape. From my daily ten cigarettes a day, I'm down to one or even none a day. I haven't drank in weeks and I feel great. It's a bit of a struggle to control my eating, but I'm a lot more successful at that than I was a month ago: I've eliminated fried food, pork and white rice from my diet (and where I come from everyone eats rice every meal haha) and no longer get cravings. It's my second week on Leandro Carvalho's BBL workout, and this week I started doing Tae Bo too (which I used to do several years ago, but stopped) and a bit of Pilates. I know it's just my second week but I'm anxious I haven't lost any weight at all. Maybe I'm not doing enough.

    Anyway, I hope to make friends here on MFP who I could share my goals with and inspire as well! Feel free to add me up! :)
  • LaDonnaF
    LaDonnaF Posts: 53 Member
    Woo!! Hey ladies (haha) Congrats to everyone on their weightloss/continuing with making a healthy lifestyle

    Fellow shortie over here at 5'1"-5'2"

    Last I weighed myself I was up from 141 to 147.5 (was fluctuating in the 150s before) and trying to get down to the 120s.

    My focus is mostly on heavy lifting with some cardio to increase my fitness level/work on heart health/etc. Would love to be able to talk with fellow short chicks on motivation, cooking, clothes, etc.

    I'm located in MA and would LOVE to get together with anyone who likes to run. I am planning on doing a Tough Mudder next year. Feel free to add me!
  • dmspenc
    dmspenc Posts: 38 Member
    5'2 here, currently stuck in the 150's.
  • Lind5ay90
    Lind5ay90 Posts: 376 Member
    I'm 5'3" and looking to lose about the same as you! Add me if you'd like! I'm on daily and always looking for new friends!! :)
  • I'm 5'4" and looking to lose 40-50 lbs in the next year or so. I just started and am hoping to stay motivated! Always looking for new friends and encouragement - add me if you want :)
  • needtoloseafewpounds
    needtoloseafewpounds Posts: 161 Member
    I'm 5'3" and I'm looking to lose about 36-40 more pounds! :) Feel free to add me~
  • Hello everyone,
    I am not a short lady lol 5'5", but hopefully y'all can still welcome me in this thread.

    I've lost 12 lbs so far and I am trying to get down to 135. I am into lifting heavy and currently started doing HIIT because it helps with leaning out a lot more than low intensity steady state running. I used to do steady running everyday until I read an article by Jim Stoppani on where it explains the differences, and I found out that I really needed to push harder and do HIIT in order to lean out. I wanna lose more bf% and hopefully get down to 15% and then re-evaluate and go from there. Add me if you would life :-)

    p.s. Congrats to everyone on wanting to live a healthier lifestyle, and good luck on your goals! Keep the drive and the motivation.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    5'2" lost a total of about 23-25 lbs given the day. I lost mostly on 1500/day and then had the best body fat loss at the end between 1700-1800/day. I did try 1200 for a few days, but I couldn't do it for long with my workouts. Works for some, I wasn't part of the some. Holding steady around 130 right now and ~24% BF. My lowest was 125 and ~20% BF in February. I lift heavy 3x per week and throw in some interval style cardio here and there. I'm currently eating around the 1900-2k level since I'm just maintaining for a few months before I decide if I want to lean down again. Not really sure about it since my body seems to like being here. I'm not the best with logging right now since I'm trying to maintain without it. I am looking at competing in a powerlifting competition in November.
  • SarLem81
    SarLem81 Posts: 115 Member
    Hey! I'm 5'3", have lost 18lbs, but still have a bit more left to lose. Feel free to add me!
  • theslimapple
    theslimapple Posts: 38 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'1/2 and need to lise 20-30 lbs. I lost it all before by running but gained it all back when we moved and I fell outof my habit. I decided to get back on track 3 weeks ago. I run and go to the gym for strength training now so I'm building muscles as I lose, unlike before! Add me if you'd like. I eat 1200 + all or some of my exercise calories. Some days I'm under, somwdays I'm over. I never go hungry, eat good and still lising. No gimmicks, ni meal replacements. The good old fashioned way for me is the way so I can keep doing this for a lifetime.

    Wishing you well! Hope to see you progressing!
  • Hi, I 5'2 &' I'm tryin' to lose 20-30 lbs too.!(: I lost 10 lbs. but then my sister came back home &' we went out to all kind of restaurants when she left I hopped on the scale &' noticed I had gained 8 of those pounds back so I have to work even harder to loose the extra pounds.!
  • sayaval
    sayaval Posts: 2
    Hi everyone! I'm Tia and I'm 5'0 I really want to drop 40lbs!!! Always looking for friends to keep me on track because I get off a lot!
  • I'm 5' 5... But need to loose about 25#. Could use some motivation!!! :)
  • nks798
    nks798 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm 5'2 and a half HEHEHE.. yes, I like to think the half does count! Anyway, I'd love to lose 30 pounds. Mommy of 2 sons.. one just turned 5 and my youngest was born in May! I like to run (just getting back to it), exercise on the elliptical, do some video work outs.. like 30DS, P90X and I really want to try T25 soon! I love beachbody! Feel free to add me :)
  • catbubbles
    catbubbles Posts: 28
    Yay thanks girls I love this motivation and encouragement. I usually run 2 or 3 times a week about 3 miles and then zumba twice a week. I would decrease my calories but amafraid with working out it wouldnt be enough! Im not so good about paying attention to the sugar in foods.. just calories, but am doing better. I love hearing the success stories, I know we can motivate each other ansd get where we want to be. Its easier with people that are kinda fighting the same battle, being short we most likely have about the same types of goal weights. :D what type of other workouts are you guys doing?

    I am also 5'2 and I am close to my original goal, but I think I want to lose another 10 or so. I am just starting to mix up my workout routine and try to do different stuff to keep from getting bored. I am going to send you a request :smile:
  • Shuntele
    Shuntele Posts: 5
    Hello All!! I'm 5'2 and I've lost 25 pounds since April 2013. I plan on losing 33-35 more pounds to reach my goal weight. Anyone please feel free to add me...WE CAN DO IT!!! :)))
  • Shugababe53
    Shugababe53 Posts: 5 Member
    Shorties unite. I hear you girl! I am 5'2 have the same calorie goal and have about the same 1lb a week weight loss goal. it stinks especially when my hubs is almost 6 feet super active and can eat 2000+ calories and still lose weight. Grr. Anyway i'm here to support! We can push each other!
  • giveMEbeauty
    giveMEbeauty Posts: 192