Ready to drop these pounds!!

brandnewladdy85 Posts: 1 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
Hello everyone! I am 28 years young! I have fought with weight my entire life and I am to the point I have no other option but to lose it, my family has history of diabetes, cancer and heart disease and I don't want to be in any of those categories, I want to wake up in the mornings go for a run and not feel winded after 2 minutes! I want to be able to run with my nephew and my dogs and not feel like I have died! There is so much to life that I have missed in my early years simply because of being self conscious and being the fat girl/fat friend but no more! I woke up today and successfully did a 30 minute work out, running, crunches all those, have had 0 pop today and been drinking that water back, I am researching healthy recipes and better exercises and I am so proud and there's no turning back!!!!


  • Great job! It's all about those little changes you make. Keep it up and you'll be well on your way!

    Also feel free to add me if you'd like some support :)
  • Heyy. Me Too I feel like I'm talkin' to my twin my family has a HUGE history of diabetes, High Cholesterol, My Uncle even lost his foot from diabetes so I'm tryin' to lose weight too. I would LOVEE to be your friend on here.(:
  • witmer1
    witmer1 Posts: 128 Member
    Awesome start. Just don't go hell bent and make it unreasonable. You don't want to burn out. Slow and steady wins the race. You can do this!

    BTW, at 28 you ARE young.
  • We have a lot in common! I know what it feels like to be the fat girl. We can lose weight together!:smile:
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