ddibble Member


  • In my opinion, you need to eat lots more protein! You also need to add some weight-resistance training. Both will increase your metabolism and this will help you drop the pounds. Eat eggs for breakfast. Try to eat some protein with every meal. Even some healthy fats with the protein will help keep yoy satisfied for a…
  • Talk to yourself and agree that the way you feel and the way your clothes fit are WAY MORE important than what a set of scales say! People don't ask you how much you weigh. The only people that need to know your weight is your doctor and you! How you look in clothes is more public than the scales. So if it's a number that…
  • I follow a low-carb plan with as much protein and fat as I need to feel satisfied. I eat about 1500 calories daily and I have lost 35# since January 14th. I"m thrilled and I am rarely hungry. The picture on my post is of my "fit" daughter. She's my inspiration!
  • The picture on my home page is of my youngest inspiration. She's my youngest daughter and she's very fit. I want to make her proud, like she makes me proud!
    in New one Comment by ddibble March 2011
  • Hi! I've been using the diary for 40 days now. If I don't find exactly the food I am eating, I make a new one. As far as the accuracy of the existing foods, they are good. I am counting net carbs, so I have made adjustments to some of the foods to reflect that. Good luck!
    in New one Comment by ddibble March 2011
  • AMAZING! I have almost as much to lose and you give me courage!