

  • Sw 191 Cw 177 Gw 168 by last day of January Goals - stay away from chocolate and white carbs. Dont fall off the band wagon!get out walking
  • I am currently trying to lose the weight gained during my second pregnancy. lost 9lbs so far by cutting down on carbs, trying not to eat them for dinner and only eating brown bread and pasta instead of white. I am 4lbs away from pre pregnancy weight but I would like to lose another 8lbs on top of that to get back to a…
  • I started yesterday and found it OK. Managed to do all of the exercises which surprised me a bit. Used cans as weights but will buy some proper weights at the weekend I think. Have just done day two while my baby was sleeping and my two year old jumped around with me, not ideal but hubby is going to the gym tonight and I…
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