vitkomazzetti Member


  • DavPul, that was silly!!! If your estimated calorie intake is supposed to be, lets say, 2000 Cals a day, and if you don't exercise, you SHOULD NOT just eat 900 Cals less to accomplish the same as exercising 900 cals. Then your net intake will be 1100 Cals which will put your body in a starvation mode. That was very silly…
  • No it's not normal. It seems like something else is affecting your digestion. It might even be a stomach virus. You probably need to begin a very bland diet starting NOW and continue it for at least a couple of days. Then redesign your food intake and quality and try to take the advise of this website for how many cals to…
  • You know, I've been using this website to track food and exercise for a week and a half. I've lost 3 lbs or so, and I am at a plateau, but I am experimenting on calorie intake. Now, about your situation I've got an idea. I know this may not be new to many people, but hear me out. Since I reduced my food portions, I was…