CZmuscle34 Member


  • Hi Evelyn, Norcal here.. on here yo give/get motivation... good luck all!
  • Hi Sara, my favorite motto.. "everything in moderation" I think if you don't over - indulge, keep active and log your food honestly you'll be back to that 135 in no time! Add me if you want some motivation, I could also use some :-)
  • I know... calories in/calories out. But I believe all calories are not created equal! I want to cut down on my sugars, definitely refined sugars. And I also understand to get cut/lean, there had to be a deficit in calories consumed vs. calories used. I am finding out I might also need to cut down on sodium and bad fats :/…
  • Hey Draz, the reason for wanting a clean diet (and if I don't change you'll see in my food diary), I eat a lot of junk food, sweets, especially ice cream. Now I try to do it in moderation but I would really like to see what I could achieve, cutting that stuff out... well, most of it! I guess I also wanna challenge myself B)
  • Awesome... great info peeps!
  • Happy New Year everyone! Let's make this one the best!! Let's be healthy and happy in 2014!!! My name is Marek, and I am on here for support and to be supportive. I let loose during December, I just wanted to enjoy the holidays without having to think about what I'm eating! But I just always seem to overdo-it! If I could…
  • Once you pay your membership fee you can do whatever you want in the gym! Who's to say what it's for?! Some muscleheads might say if you can't bench 300 lbs. you shouldn't be in the gym. I say as long as you made it to gym that is already the first step, a step in the right direction. Some people don't go to the gym…
  • Yes, I feel you! You are right it is about discipline, I wish you the best and I will try to cut out the hardest thing for myself...sweets! :noway:
  • You're bound to crash if you cut out everything good, you need a cheat meal here and there. You need to shock the body a bit here and there, otherwise it will get accustomed to your diet and it will get tougher to loose that unwanted fat. You should also reward yourself....say if you eat clean for 5 days, on the sixth day…