

  • eat lots of protein - sometimes our emotional eating is actually a response to glucose highs and lows ... and those actually make you want to eat food that is sugary and comforting. Protein makes you full for a long time. My most successful diets have been the times I have gone low carb ... the theory is you can eat as…
  • if you have to have a dairy free option it is about a gazillion times better than rice milk, and I avoid soy milk totally because of the hormone controversy around it. Almond milk is my favourite option.
  • you look gorgeous and fabulous! your family and friends must be so thrilled for you! Enjoy the weights, I do resistance bands or hand weights most days and think its a quick way to get toned up, you should see some great muscle develop!
  • I have been using the 10 min solution 'dvd',5 day fix its great, you can do one 10 min routine or up to 5 in one go. I like the mixture of cardio-kick boxing, toning, abdo, yoga and strength intervals. There are heaps of 10 min solutions DVDs all with different themes. I didn't like the hip hop one at all but found the…
  • You could be under doing the calories so that your body is going into starvation mode and conserving its fat store rather than releasing it? Or you could have made some serious muscle this week that weighs more than fat (I have never achieved that but I have heard it is possible!) Or maybe the foods you are eating aren't…
  • Wow, you have such a beautiful photo! And your health and ability to have children are well worth fighting for! You have come a long way already, I am sure the tools on this website will help you even further on your journey. I am happy to support you - I have 5 kids and homeschool so don't have heaps of time to email but…
  • You did so well to keep the pregnancy weight gain so low! Congratulations on your new baby and all the best for getting rid of those pounds you want gone!
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