No weight lost, week one.

Just getting started and enjoying the whole thing. Keeping excellent track of both food and exercise, and actually being a bit OCD about it. The thing is, I have been under on my calories and not eating back what I've been burning, but if anything I have been putting weight ON! Very frustrated...has anyone else not lost weight at all for the first week? Thanks.


  • sophygld
    sophygld Posts: 8
    You could be under doing the calories so that your body is going into starvation mode and conserving its fat store rather than releasing it? Or you could have made some serious muscle this week that weighs more than fat (I have never achieved that but I have heard it is possible!) Or maybe the foods you are eating aren't helping you out ... I personally only really lose weight on low carb, so lots of eggs, peanut butter, meat etc to give me lots of proteins and help me have energy to get through the day well. Also lack of sleep or not drinking enough water can slow you down. Coconut oil is meant to be good if you have a slow metabolism. If you take a tablespoon of that a day its meant to be be very good for you and also get your body into a fat burning state. On MFP it does add alot of calories, but it helps you feel full too. I know other people who don't log coconut oil because they feel it is helping them burn weight so they don't count it as calories Good luck and don't give up though! If you are consistent SOMETHINGS got to give!:
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    It would be easier to offer advice if we could see your diary, but it takes time. You should be eating back your exercise calories to ensure that you burn fat rather than lean body tissue, but it shouldn't be causing zero weight loss. Have you been measuring everything you eat or eyeballing it? You would be suprised how often people underestimate how much they've eaten until they start measuring it first. Is there anything you eat and don't log? Even a bite here and there can add up quickly. Have you started an exercise regimine? If so, you may be retaining water and glycogen at the muscles, which could offset any loss in fat fairly easily, resulting in no apparent loss. It is recommended that you track body measurements using a tape measure in addition to using a scale since the measurements tend to give you a better idea of how you are doing long term. How many weight measurements have you taken? Body weight can fluctuate by as much as a couple pounds on a daily basis due to a variety of factors, so it is possible that any loss is being offset by water retention, undigested food in your intestines or the clothes you wore when you weighed yourself. Try to weigh yourself under the same conditions each time to get the most accurate results.

    Finally, remember that weight loss is a long-term goal. It is not linear, and not losing in a week does not mean you have failed. If you continue to eat at a healthy deficit, log all your calories and eat back all exercise calories, you should start seeing weight loss soon. Stick with it, and good luck.
  • Kash4Life
    Kash4Life Posts: 48
    It takes time. Your body is adjusting to the new workout. The first week I gained pounds but I have been logging my calories and my exercise for 26 days now and I have lost 11 pounds . So stick to it and you will see results . Good Luck :-)
  • kristle_stewart
    kristle_stewart Posts: 11 Member
    I've been using MFP for about 3 months straight and I've only lost 3 lbs. I am eating better, I feel better, and I look better. Hang in there; it didn't take you one week to put all the weight on, so its going to take time to take it off. Also, make sure that you are weighing at the same time of day. I can weigh 140 when I wake up and in the afternoon weigh 145 by the afternoon. I use my morning weight for tracking. Good luck.
  • JoesphBiden
    Keep going at it. Eat healthy and train hard.
  • shimmeries
    shimmeries Posts: 1 Member
    What kind of exercise have you been doing? If you're doing any weight training (or crunches, sit ups, etc), it's possible you've lost a couple pounds of fat but gained a couple pounds muscle, which wouldn't show up as any weight lost. You probably won't feel a huge difference after the first week, but what's more important is how your clothes are fitting. If they're feeling looser but you haven't lost any actual weight, then it's because you're gaining muscle simultaneously, which is good! Remember also that muscle takes up less "space" than fat does; if you lose five pounds of fat but GAIN 5 pounds of muscle, your body will look smaller even if you weigh the same amount, because the muscle is more compact and dense.

    Keep doing what you're doing, and don't get discouraged! Like I said, it's hard to see a noticeable change in the first week, but believe me, it's there, and you'll start to see and feel it soon.