

  • I have never taken anything artificial till now ! 4 whole eggs and nuts will do ! may be :ohwell: Protein powders create insulin spike which i cannot afford on a low carb diet . I take home made dairy (2-3 servings).
  • Eat your yolk ! 1) The fat is good for you . It will keep you satisfied and control binges. 2) Good sources of Chromium , biotin , omega 3 . 3) Egg white alone contains a protein called avidin which will make you deficit in biotin ( hair fall , dry flaky skin ). Yolk will make up for that. 4) Dietary saturated fat is not…
  • Deep inside i feel guilty to add those processed cheese and low carb crackers into my diet ! Can feel the chemical right away . Yuck ! This diet can work wonders, but people like us need help. I went against my family (Indians imagine !) and tried eating meat / chicken whatever. But i hated it . All those bones and veins…
  • I am not a vegan anymore ! i take high fat dairy and eggs and occasional meat (trying secretly ).But : ( i am dying to get my shape back ! i hate hate abdominal fat ! No diet works and i work out like crazy even during my end terms. I can somehow sense logic in Keto diets . Need good advice and support .
  • I have a cup of green tea with organic coconut oil ( 2 tbs). The taste of coconut takes toll on my taste buds ! DON'T reach out for carbs at any cost or else you will start a vicious cycle . Go for healthy FATs (MCT'S) or a protein snack !