

  • ok... i guess i can try this. my height is 5'11" weight is 170.6 (as of like 1 hour ago) my goal weight over all is 160 or less. i dont want to pressure myself to be less than that because i just want to be healthy and happy with my body again, and i am getting there. :) since starting mfp i have already lost about 4lbs,…
  • i totally understand .. and good for you for figuring out a way to make it work and stick! :) a suggestion on the pizza though... maybe try homemade. :) you can put more veggies on it and buy fat free shredded cheese (which isnt bad) or even vegan cheese to cut down on calories and be healthier all around.. plus home made…
  • also, if you arent going out to eat, try to choose healthy alternatives... use less sugar, have sugar free cookies or something else sweet but lower in calories. use whole wheats for pasta, and have lots of veggies and fruits. and if you splurge on one meal, try to have a lower calorie alternative for your other meals---a…
  • just thought i would answer the question of how did one gain the weight... alot of people ask that... and well, for me personally it was the 2 pregnancies... so when even though i had no problem eating then, im just not as hungry 24/7 now... and i am sure that is the answer for several people... just one answer to that…
  • i personally just dont eat alot. i stay home all day with two kids and try to eat 2 meals a day and a few snacks. and sometimes i only really get one real meal in. i dont starve myself or go hungry, i just dont eat or need a lot. today for instance-- i am only up to 1000 calories that i have eatern, but i also did some…
  • it also matters what time of day you weigh, and if you have eaten or um... used the restroom within a little while before you weigh... also of course if you are weighing with clothes on that makes a difference and also if oyu have drank a lot of water or anything...
  • i agree but it also depends... there was a post i saw yesterday warning about dont count your calories twice. so if you have your settings that you are active then you also add in your workout you might be doing that... as long as you arent doing that, then yeah try to eat what you burn, or atleast some of it
  • im not super public because friends would say oh you look great you dont need to lose weight... but those friends dont know how much i weigh, and dont know how out of shape i am since having 2 kids. but, i will say oh no i dont want a second piece of cake thanks i am on a diet. and then they scoff... phbbt on them. i think…
  • ok, so i didnt read every response, so sorry if i repeat... for veggies, try getting frozen, they still have a lot of nutrients, and are usually cheaper. and also buy in bulk. we were going through a lot of veggies, and when i bought them in the small bags, it was one or two a day, so i buy a big bag of a few different…
  • mine is 1200, but, i dont workout alot or do alot to burn up calories. i stay at home with my kids and chase them around and its the main thing i do to burn calories. AND, somedays i have to try to get up to that 1200 goal. (not this week with the valentines cookies in the house) but usually i only eat 2 meals and some…