I feel like I'm failing :(



  • brittanybark
    Well the george foreman has made my life wonderful when it comes to eating healthy because its inexpensive and not very time consuming, except you have to clean the grill afterward =/ I switched to Georgeforeman and have lost 6 pounds in all of one week, so I am very happy =] eating is 80% of weightloss

    Try to make things in big portions for dinners and treat yourself to a splurge meal once a week to reward yourself for your good eating. It is hard I struggle with it too.

    If your eating and "white" pastas, breads, or tortillas, make sure you switch to wheat (it took me a while to get used to the taste).

    Make sure your not eating to close to when you go to sleep, that may help and dont eliminate everything you enjoy just improvise. If you want sourcream then have it, but use just a tiny amount. Its always good to freeze stuff because when your thinking about eating out or eating unhealthy, your more likely to say "oh I have... in the freezer im going to heat that up".
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    MY FAVORITE thing to snack on:
    fruit jell-o
    get a pack of jell-o and make it in a large bowl (you can make as much or as little as you want i do 2 boxes strawberry jello)
    add in the fruits you like, I use canned pineapple chunks,cut up apples, cut up pears, strawberrys, mandarin oranges then let it sit in fridge overnight and it makes a great snack its sooooo good!
    That sounds good. And I'm not that fond of Jello, but it does sound really good. :)
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I am really good with food ideas! You should get a George Foreman grill and buy chicken breasts and vegetables. Its very easy and you can get different type of marinades and seasonings. Ive been addicted to the Georgeforeman for three months now and am nowhere near bored of it... also try things like Turkey Chili, Turkey spaghetti, or even turkey sloppy joes on wheat hamburger buns. Stay away from soups tv dinners and anything with broth, it all has a ton of sodium. Stick close to your turkey, chicken, tuna, and salmon.

    You can do zucchini and squash and even asparagus grilled on the georgeforeman as well!! I love it (25$) for a small one at walmart. My biggest problem has been feeling full all day eating healthy and I definitely think grilled chicken breast and vegetables are the way to go..

    Also try chicken salad sandwiches or tuna sandwiches. Let me know if you need anymore ideas or details my mom is a personal fitness trainer and has a whole recipe book!!! =]
    The only meat I really eat is chicken and tuna. I eat hamburger occasionally, but not very much. Maybe every other week, and when I do, I don't eat much of it.

    Check out the vegetarian posts on this site. There are many vegetarians out there and since you don't eat a lot of meat, there are so many options too :)
    I'll try to find some vegetarian posts. Thanks :)
  • lal73
    lal73 Posts: 116
    Is there something else going on in your life right now?
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    If your eating and "white" pastas, breads, or tortillas, make sure you switch to wheat (it took me a while to get used to the taste).
    Guilty of eating the "white" stuff.
  • jar3827
    ok, so i didnt read every response, so sorry if i repeat... for veggies, try getting frozen, they still have a lot of nutrients, and are usually cheaper. and also buy in bulk. we were going through a lot of veggies, and when i bought them in the small bags, it was one or two a day, so i buy a big bag of a few different things and it lasts longer. we mostly go through a lot of broccoli and green beans. another thing as far as easy, get everything in light or fat free, as long as you can stand it. or get the whole grain versions if you can. something i saw someone said is switching to wheats instead of white foods. -- for breads and some pastas that is true, but look at the packaging, for the pasta i was using i saw that the wheat version although it did have more good stuff it didnt really have that much less bad stuff... so i didnt switch. plus we are not eating lots of pasta here lately... it really depends on what kind of foods you like to eat. and just watch your portions
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Is there something else going on in your life right now?
    Mmm not really, I don't guess. Just the stuff I posted.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    ok, so i didnt read every response, so sorry if i repeat... for veggies, try getting frozen, they still have a lot of nutrients, and are usually cheaper. and also buy in bulk. we were going through a lot of veggies, and when i bought them in the small bags, it was one or two a day, so i buy a big bag of a few different things and it lasts longer. we mostly go through a lot of broccoli and green beans. another thing as far as easy, get everything in light or fat free, as long as you can stand it. or get the whole grain versions if you can. something i saw someone said is switching to wheats instead of white foods. -- for breads and some pastas that is true, but look at the packaging, for the pasta i was using i saw that the wheat version although it did have more good stuff it didnt really have that much less bad stuff... so i didnt switch. plus we are not eating lots of pasta here lately... it really depends on what kind of foods you like to eat. and just watch your portions
    I'll be getting some veggies this weekend definately.
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    I know just how you feel.

    Everyone has given you great advice but maybe just start small. For example, my water intake has been rubbish this year so starting today my focus has been on drinking 2 litres of pure water each day. I started the day with a large glass, had more at regular intervals throughout the day and I've decided to have a large glass before I eat anything. This is all stuff we know but forget to do.

    So again, start small, pick one thing that you can stick to then, once you've got that down add something else in.

    All the best
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Thanks, everyone. I'll try starting small and working my way up.