I feel like I'm failing :(

These past two weeks have been really hard. Some days are decent, more often than not, the days aren't decent. It's hard to eat right when the right foods aren't around, since other people insist on getting the junk, and it's around... The sodium intake is driving me crazy. Veggies and fruits are awesome, but how am I supposed to afford them? Any ideas with food, too?
I haven't exercised all too much over these two weeks. I was really enjoying walking outside for a change, and it was really nice. Now it's too cold and wintery. It's too hot in the house because of the heater being on constantly so when I treadmill it gets pretty hot. Ever since December, when I started logging my food, I've only lost three pounds. Yes, my weight is constantly going back and forth. I want to be back at 130 at least. That's where I was in January of 2010. I'm tired of seeing my ticker at 17/18. Maybe it's the weather that's getting me down. I don't know *sigh*. I just feel like crying right now and I want a hug.
I'm trying to write a few short stories, but I can't seem to find the drive for the past month. That's stressful too because I really want to write them.
Every week, I figure out a workout schedule. I've been doing challenges on here, so I coordinate the two challenges together. I haven't been following that schedule very greatly, either. It just seems like nothing's going right lately.
Any advice/inspiration/ideas/anything?
Thanks, everyone!


  • liscar
    liscar Posts: 311 Member
    I think you should become friends with kyliedurnan --- you can support each other through this AND you are both the same age so you are probably dealing with a lot of the same stuff. If you can't find her, she's in my friends section you can add her from there :) Sounds like you two are a lot alike
  • KeepOnMoving
    KeepOnMoving Posts: 383 Member
    Organic fruits and veggies are expensive. This time in winter its hard to get stuff like that. Try frozen veggie section and stir fry them in Extra Virgin olive oil. Buy some frozen fruit and heat it in the microwave and sprinkle brown sugar or splenda. Nice warm, low fat, cozy winter treat. Winter blahhs are getting me down too. We just got to be creative. Read some old fitness magazines maybe from the summer to help you remind you of bikini season is just around the corner. Anyway hang in there. Spring is near. ((Hugs)) :flowerforyou:
  • Babygotback82
    Dont give up, keep trying! It takes 21 days to develop a habit! I know, I've got the winter blues too, but once you push yourself, you will be thanking yourself later on. Just bundle up, get on your mittens, hat, boots and winter jacket and plug in your itunes or whatever you have and keep up the walking! Every bit helps, or try to find a buddy to go for a walk with as well, everyone always feels really bad leting down a partner, so it will help to push you !
    I'm in the same boat as far as me trying to eat healthy and my husband eating crap. My suggestion is to have a cupboard that is just yours that oyu have all healthy good foods in, and little sayings on the fridge and bathroom mirror that encourage you :) Its tough but just think of what all that bad food is doing in there system! Keep it up, if you need more encouragement, I've got lots, so just message me :)
    Have a great day!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Fruit & veggies not expensive, especially if you go the frozen route (it's better than skipping the good stuff altogether). Things are usually cheaper when they're in season. Focus on meat, healthy fats, dairy if you can tolerate it, and fruits & veggies
  • Carissa83
    Carissa83 Posts: 33 Member
    Motivation comes after action. When I don't feel like working out and make myself do it anyways I'm motivated more so for the next time. You just gotta get back in the groove. No worries slumps happen to everyone - even body builders! Btw, the endorphins you'll get from working out will make you FEEL better all around :)
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    Hang in there! I know it sucks when when weather makes it hard to do anything outside and inside isn't much better. Don't let yourself fall, though--as long as you keep getting back up and don't give up on this, you won't fail!

    I second the frozen veggies--the best part is that they keep for a long time, so you can stock up when they're on sale. As much as you can, cook your own meals (don't fall prey to the packaged stuff--and cook big batches of stuff ahead of time if you can, then freeze portions for those days when you can't be bothered to do much more than open a package/heat something up).

    As I said before, hang in there--spring will come and you'll be able to go full force then. For now, do the best you can, and keep your chin up. *hug!*
  • strandedeyes
    strandedeyes Posts: 392 Member
    Veggies and fruits are awesome, but how am I supposed to afford them? Any ideas with food, too?

    Yes they can be expensive, especially in the winter, so find out which veggies are currently in season and work from there. Also, I have found, that I can create so many meals out of a stash of veggies that in the long run, I am saving a lot of money. Do you live near an organic market where they have locally grown veggies and fruit? Those stores, for my area, tend to have better deals and also can help you with telling you what is in season. Also, the frozen food section has a lot of veggies as well (as stated before by KeepOnMoving). Yes the sodium intake part is frustrating and I am there with you, but if it bothers you that much, just take it off your diary until you are less stressed.

    Also, take a breather. Maybe two challenges are just too much for you? Try to buckle down to one or create your own that you can stick with. I think you are putting a lot of stress on to yourself and sometimes you just need to step back and take a day off. Just go do something you enjoy for a day, that requires no stress and even if it isn't a work out. Get back into your mind and then the next day, work on one thing like maybe a meal plan or a schedule that isn't so stressful for working out. Remember to write it in pencil this way you can adjust it daily. Nothing has to be written in permanent sharpie :)

    Friend me if you want. Remember, take it easy.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member

    It is tough to change your lifestyle to a healthy one. Just take small steps like replacing a sweet treat (or salty one) with a fruit or veggie. Look for things that can grow year round like apples and they will be less expensive. Frozen berries are good also and are reasonable. You ONLY have 17 lbs to lose not 100 or 150 or 300 and I know you can do this (I've already lost 28 and have 22 to go which is STILL more than your goals) It is do-able. Just focus on small changes so you don't get overwhelmed. Feel free to add me as a friend and I write a blog that seems to be motivating some. Send me a message if you need more help setting up reasonable goals and a plan of action... I'd LOVE to help!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I think you should become friends with kyliedurnan --- you can support each other through this AND you are both the same age so you are probably dealing with a lot of the same stuff. If you can't find her, she's in my friends section you can add her from there :) Sounds like you two are a lot alike
    Actually, I seen her post after I put mine up. I did friend her.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Organic fruits and veggies are expensive. This time in winter its hard to get stuff like that. Try frozen veggie section and stir fry them in Extra Virgin olive oil. Buy some frozen fruit and heat it in the microwave and sprinkle brown sugar or splenda. Nice warm, low fat, cozy winter treat. Winter blahhs are getting me down too. We just got to be creative. Read some old fitness magazines maybe from the summer to help you remind you of bikini season is just around the corner. Anyway hang in there. Spring is near. ((Hugs)) :flowerforyou:
    Thanks. :) I may be having a blonde moment, but you can buy frozen fruit?? I totally cannot think of any frozen fruit for some reason. :huh: I'll try looking through some old magazines I've got.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    and little sayings on the fridge and bathroom mirror that encourage you :)
    Thanks! I like this idea, too. I'll try it.
  • brittanybark
    I am really good with food ideas! You should get a George Foreman grill and buy chicken breasts and vegetables. Its very easy and you can get different type of marinades and seasonings. Ive been addicted to the Georgeforeman for three months now and am nowhere near bored of it... also try things like Turkey Chili, Turkey spaghetti, or even turkey sloppy joes on wheat hamburger buns. Stay away from soups tv dinners and anything with broth, it all has a ton of sodium. Stick close to your turkey, chicken, tuna, and salmon.

    You can do zucchini and squash and even asparagus grilled on the georgeforeman as well!! I love it (25$) for a small one at walmart. My biggest problem has been feeling full all day eating healthy and I definitely think grilled chicken breast and vegetables are the way to go..

    Also try chicken salad sandwiches or tuna sandwiches. Let me know if you need anymore ideas or details my mom is a personal fitness trainer and has a whole recipe book!!! =]
  • Pinoy_Pal
    Pinoy_Pal Posts: 281 Member
    Hey there chickadee....as Bob Marley would say, "Don't worry...cuz every little thing's gonna be alright!". If I were you, I'd take a little vacay from all this calorie counting and food and fitness business. Just like with work or with school, every now and then you need a vacation. Take a little bit of time off, clear your head, de-stress, and de-tox from all the countin calories and what not. Even if it's just for a day or two. I'm feeling that your MFP engine batteries need recharging. Try focusing soley on writing your short stories. I'm sure that once you get ink down on paper you'll have written yourself an amazing story. Keep that head up!

  • brittanybark
    Oh and as far as money goes I spend about 150 on grocerys a month and am doing pretty good eating healthy... soo I definitely think I could give you some ideas... (im on a budget too) =/ It is hard but its possible and once you get the hang of it you will be happy
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Hang in there! I know it sucks when when weather makes it hard to do anything outside and inside isn't much better. Don't let yourself fall, though--as long as you keep getting back up and don't give up on this, you won't fail!

    I second the frozen veggies--the best part is that they keep for a long time, so you can stock up when they're on sale. As much as you can, cook your own meals (don't fall prey to the packaged stuff--and cook big batches of stuff ahead of time if you can, then freeze portions for those days when you can't be bothered to do much more than open a package/heat something up).

    As I said before, hang in there--spring will come and you'll be able to go full force then. For now, do the best you can, and keep your chin up. *hug!*
    On the making something and then freezing it, what foods would that be? I'd be scared that it would get freezerburn.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Veggies and fruits are awesome, but how am I supposed to afford them? Any ideas with food, too?

    Yes they can be expensive, especially in the winter, so find out which veggies are currently in season and work from there. Also, I have found, that I can create so many meals out of a stash of veggies that in the long run, I am saving a lot of money. Do you live near an organic market where they have locally grown veggies and fruit? Those stores, for my area, tend to have better deals and also can help you with telling you what is in season. Also, the frozen food section has a lot of veggies as well (as stated before by KeepOnMoving). Yes the sodium intake part is frustrating and I am there with you, but if it bothers you that much, just take it off your diary until you are less stressed.

    Also, take a breather. Maybe two challenges are just too much for you? Try to buckle down to one or create your own that you can stick with. I think you are putting a lot of stress on to yourself and sometimes you just need to step back and take a day off. Just go do something you enjoy for a day, that requires no stress and even if it isn't a work out. Get back into your mind and then the next day, work on one thing like maybe a meal plan or a schedule that isn't so stressful for working out. Remember to write it in pencil this way you can adjust it daily. Nothing has to be written in permanent sharpie :)

    Friend me if you want. Remember, take it easy.
    :) I'll go google and see if there is any markets etc near me. I might just have to take the sodium off for a while. It would definately be one less thing to stress about. What I really need to do is start making some goals, I think, but I'm so not sure where to start.
  • brittanybark
    MY FAVORITE thing to snack on:
    fruit jell-o
    get a pack of jell-o and make it in a large bowl (you can make as much or as little as you want i do 2 boxes strawberry jello)
    add in the fruits you like, I use canned pineapple chunks,cut up apples, cut up pears, strawberrys, mandarin oranges then let it sit in fridge overnight and it makes a great snack its sooooo good!

    Another recipe to try that you can freeze:

    Turkey Spaghetti

    3 lb ground turkey
    2 Big Cans tomato Sauce
    2 little cans tomato paste
    1 can diced tomatos
    1 can of rotel original salsa
    a little bit of brown sugar and garlic powder pepper and salt

    use wheat angel hair pasta for noodles

    and eat it with some asparagus

    you can freeze half of it then put the rest in fridge. it will last for a week or so...
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I am really good with food ideas! You should get a George Foreman grill and buy chicken breasts and vegetables. Its very easy and you can get different type of marinades and seasonings. Ive been addicted to the Georgeforeman for three months now and am nowhere near bored of it... also try things like Turkey Chili, Turkey spaghetti, or even turkey sloppy joes on wheat hamburger buns. Stay away from soups tv dinners and anything with broth, it all has a ton of sodium. Stick close to your turkey, chicken, tuna, and salmon.

    You can do zucchini and squash and even asparagus grilled on the georgeforeman as well!! I love it (25$) for a small one at walmart. My biggest problem has been feeling full all day eating healthy and I definitely think grilled chicken breast and vegetables are the way to go..

    Also try chicken salad sandwiches or tuna sandwiches. Let me know if you need anymore ideas or details my mom is a personal fitness trainer and has a whole recipe book!!! =]
    The only meat I really eat is chicken and tuna. I eat hamburger occasionally, but not very much. Maybe every other week, and when I do, I don't eat much of it.
  • strandedeyes
    strandedeyes Posts: 392 Member
    I am really good with food ideas! You should get a George Foreman grill and buy chicken breasts and vegetables. Its very easy and you can get different type of marinades and seasonings. Ive been addicted to the Georgeforeman for three months now and am nowhere near bored of it... also try things like Turkey Chili, Turkey spaghetti, or even turkey sloppy joes on wheat hamburger buns. Stay away from soups tv dinners and anything with broth, it all has a ton of sodium. Stick close to your turkey, chicken, tuna, and salmon.

    You can do zucchini and squash and even asparagus grilled on the georgeforeman as well!! I love it (25$) for a small one at walmart. My biggest problem has been feeling full all day eating healthy and I definitely think grilled chicken breast and vegetables are the way to go..

    Also try chicken salad sandwiches or tuna sandwiches. Let me know if you need anymore ideas or details my mom is a personal fitness trainer and has a whole recipe book!!! =]
    The only meat I really eat is chicken and tuna. I eat hamburger occasionally, but not very much. Maybe every other week, and when I do, I don't eat much of it.

    Check out the vegetarian posts on this site. There are many vegetarians out there and since you don't eat a lot of meat, there are so many options too :)
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Hey there chickadee....as Bob Marley would say, "Don't worry...cuz every little thing's gonna be alright!". If I were you, I'd take a little vacay from all this calorie counting and food and fitness business. Just like with work or with school, every now and then you need a vacation. Take a little bit of time off, clear your head, de-stress, and de-tox from all the countin calories and what not. Even if it's just for a day or two. I'm feeling that your MFP engine batteries need recharging. Try focusing soley on writing your short stories. I'm sure that once you get ink down on paper you'll have written yourself an amazing story. Keep that head up!

    Thank you about the stories. You're the first one to mention that lol. I'm smiling so widely right now lol. It's like, I KNOW I can write, but I'm just lacking a little of everything it seems lately. Writing makes me so happy, though. It's what I love to do. It's like an escape, you know? As for the not tracking calories, I really don't think I can quit. I have a 75 day streak of logging, and I don't want to break it. :laugh: or else I would take a week off. I think I just need to find something that'll keep me motivated. Goodness, I just really love your post. Smiling from ear to ear here. :bigsmile: Oh, look I found a smiley to go with my expression. Thank you again.