I had tis happen. When I first started jogging.... When 1 mile was traitorous... My toes would go numb. I believe mine may have been a sciatica nerve? Anyhow... Mine just went away after years of jogging now!
I suggest brining the veggies! That way you know they re there.. you can eat some yourself... but still enjoy some other not so good for you foods if you want to! I personally love fried cauliflower??? I have a great recipe that includes bread crumbs and low fat parm cheese... YUMMO! GOODLUCK!
I agree it is hard to learn how to be healthy. I grew up with a mom who was anorexia... a dad who was a work a-holic.... so there I was at home... living eating .. being me... I had o examples of healthy living what so ever. That lifestyle followed me into adulthood! I ate what I wanted... never looked at the nutrients,…
Like I have stated so many times before... I am a mother, a teacher and a nurse. I am not a 10.. I doubt I am a 6! LOL... I try to stay healthy! on that note... this is coming from someone who understands... I suggest you do it before you go home... or if you have a spouse who can help... talk to them. I ask my spouse to…
GRITS! YUMMO! With pumpkin (for the season of course) I LOVE carbs.. they hate me!
I am a fan of grilled chicken salad..... LOVE IT... so if you are too... try the AHI Tuna seared salad! I can get enough of it! EVERYTHING HEALTHY!
Glad to have you. I have used this site several times to get started. The trick is... work towards your goals. Not ever change happens over night. I am a teacher and a nurse... so during the winter If you need a follower.... I would be glad to give you HONEST feedback! and of course encouragement ohhhh.. and recipes! LOL!
Quiche? Chicken flatbread pizza (YUMMO) .. my favorite chili! 2nd favorite... Curry chicken! AHI Tuna salad! YUMMO!OK... I am just getting hungry! Only the Quiche and Chili take an hour. The Ahi Tuna and Curry Chicken take about 30 min. If you are interested in a recipe.... let me know!
Yes, I have had this done at two different gyms. But also our college here has a study and they measure and test fitness levels! It does cost 75 dollars for the whole package... but the measurements are not that much I am sure!
I would say lightly active!
Some Yoga poses are suppose to be good for your sides. I would also say some abs exercises would be good for your sides. I do side crunches standing in like a jump and jack formation. holding 25 lbs. Then bend down to one side and do like a side crunch. Not sure if this exercise has a real name. Back exercises would be…
My doctor did give me a limit on mg. For Tylenol and Ibuprofen. I am not sure about Aspirin. But your right, mg is more important than a number of pills!
Wondering where is it bothering you? ... Mine causes different pains in different areas.. even up behind my neck! STRETCH, Stretch, Stretch.. that is the secret to relief... mine wakes me up out of sleep. and I have to get up and stretch, or work out... because the pain stops when my body gets warmed up also. I just kept…
I wave my hand into the air... smile and seldom say hi! Often I am focused on my style or the trail!
I don't wear them... but I do see them wore a lot in church. The ones the wear typically look like skinny jeans and they wear them with a long shirt, cardigan or long sweater. I also seen them wear them with this new dress type shirt that is not a real long dress... they are cute honestly. The girls often top them off with…
seriously... this is awesome!
well about 300 minutes. I don't add my weight lifting to my workouts.... I do those 3 times a week. I had read that you should eat back about 1/2 your exercise calories.... and so I stopped adding in my circuit/weight calories on those days... which is only about 90 minutes a week. SO I figure its less than half of what I…
I would agree that woman do hate woman... we are such mean creatures to each other! Even when you try to be nice... it seems often it is taken wrong as .. that is what woman are use to! So I am not sure... I would not take another women's advice... I have to wonder... is this a woman you are talking about... or is it a…
I still get them at times if I have not ate healthy the day before or If I did not consume enough water. But I suggest you consult your doctor! My sister had headaches and hers were a more serious problem... Not trying to freak you out... but JS... the response on here is going to be the typical response.... some people…
Well.. it seems like to me that 2000 calories for not even put in complete effort is a bit much.... I put in all the effort I can and I seldom eat 2000 calories and daily need is 1600. The advice I have is maybe you should get a HRM and measure your food... measure.. measure.. measure... huge mistake... If you cant get a…
Yes, for me it helps tremendously.... I have lost weight many ways over the years... I have discovered that for me to keep it off and to feel and look healthy after wards It is best if I exercise. I have had two children and just loosing weight leaves me looking a bit saggy... (I am embarrassed to admit that!) But when I…
EASY... LOL Frozen fruit and Peanut butter shakes... lol... add a little oatmeal and they are delicious! and healthy! here is my favorite recipe! 1 cup almond milk 1 tablespoon peanut butter (you may want two) 1/2 cup oats 1/2 to 1 cup frozen fruit of choice... I like blueberries 1/2 banana (Don't add till the end of…
we have two... LOL... I use them to race the boys across the living room... the spongy one is easier to keep your balance on... the harder one is faster.. but you need some kick but balance to keep it rolling and standing on it! SO yes I use mine... for entertainment! My husband uses them to stretch his back and but out!
Yes Egg whites with tex mex diced tomatoes and turkey bacon!
It can only be one.... GOSH.. I don't know I would have to kick some ACE cause no one is taking my Coffee or Peanut Butter!
Actually there was numerous studies done on this.... I was scared going into my 30,s cause I have always worked out... but I LOVE to COOK, BAKE And Treat and reward my family with food! SOOO.. I followed the studies and what they found was... The amount that your metabolism actually slows down due to aging is small…
I just have something... there is typically only a day or two for me that I cant overcome the carb and sweet cravings.... LOL... But I am lactose intolerant... so chocolate and other sweet treats are often out for me! I often want ice cream... SO I sometimes make my homemade shakes and sweeten them with splenda... they are…
What she says!!! I love my curves too... I think it says WOMAN!!!!
Actually the Katch one is much closer to what I learned to eat mine is almost 1700 calories a day BMR.... MFp put me around 1500... But I eat 1600 as a BMR intake.... Thanks... Just learned more about body fat and how to calculate individual needs... cause I can see how the Katch one would be ALOT more accurate!
Its working for me.... I am loosing weight.... getting stronger and eating up to 2000 calories a day on my exercise days!