

  • Check your fluid intake and also you may be trading fat pounds for muscle. Seems like I heard somewhere that muscle weighs more than fat. Also take your measurements, you can often see good results there when you don't on the scale.
  • I can identify. Was diagnosed with diabetes in 2005. Went on the diabetic diet and lost 15 pounds initially without much exercise but hit the proverbial plateau. Blood sugar is in control for the most part but still need the meds. Would definitely like to get off them though.
  • It would be interesting to know how many out there with PCOS are also diabetic. I started taking the metformin for PCOS but have been taking it to treat the diabetes which is getting better but still have to deal with the skin tags. :smile:
  • :smile: Wow, can I relate. Six years ago I was diagnosed first with PCOS, then within six months with diabetes. Already had high cholesterol and high blood pressure. I can identify with a small weight loss and don't get discouraged if you find yourself on a seesaw seeing the weight go down and up and back down again. Oh…
  • :happy: Hello. Best of luck in your weight loss efforts. Be sure and take our measurements in addition to weighing on the scale. Sometimes you can see success there when you might not on the scale.
  • A friend of mine suggested I give this site a try. I'm in a weight watchers program however being diabetic I have to track calories, carbs, etc. This looked like the best way to do that.