any diabetics out there???

anyone else struggle with their sugar and have a hard time finding food that works for you? I stopped working out and ect cuz it seem to not do any good for me. I gained back a little weight but I really dont want to do that so I'm here trying to find support. I want off my meds but know I wont do that unless I work out and get sugar back down. I done very good then BOOM. Back up.


  • aroonie1
    I can identify. Was diagnosed with diabetes in 2005. Went on the diabetic diet and lost 15 pounds initially without much exercise but hit the proverbial plateau. Blood sugar is in control for the most part but still need the meds. Would definitely like to get off them though.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    There are quite a few diabetics on the site. I would suggest trying out the Biggest loser style of diet--It is diabetic friendly and you see many people get off their meds while doing it. I am currently Gestational Diabetic (for the 2nd time) --I am watching my carbs and sugars pretty closely.

    Keep on truckin! You can do this. Keep putting one foot in front of the other. Diabetes is difficult because you can't see it on the outside, but as you keep exercising and keep eating well you will see the changes in your numbers, I promise!

    Try pistachios! They are really yummy and have actually been shown to help with sugar control--according to dr oz!
  • deannar417
    deannar417 Posts: 193 Member
    Thank you. I have wanted to get into the biggest losser workouts but making me to it is hard. I sometimes want to just give up with it. I want to keep trying but it's so hard when I work my butt off and still eat right and dont see any progress either weight or sugar level. I was told the stress in itself could be whats causing the problem. I just have to get started. We just moved and I lost 4 pounds from that but didnt eat right at all. All fast food. But now that I have 4 pounds gone I want to keep goin and do better.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    The difficulty with our bodies is that when we have abused them for so long, it sometimes takes a bit of work to get back in the right path. Any progress is good progress--Just remember that fiber and protein are your friends. If you need to check your sugar a little more often, just so you have an idea of what actually effects it more. It is amazing how I know when I have gone over board because of past history...It is all about educating yourself on what works for your body.

    Vegies are always free! Help yourself!!:bigsmile: :tongue: :laugh:
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Oh and stress can be a huge factor...I am a nurse and I have had patients whose sugars went out of control just because of the stress of the day. Try some relaxation techniques, and don't beat yourself up over exercising. All you need to do is walk--start with that. Instead of sitting in front of the TV walk around and pick stuff up off the floor (I am speaking to myself now) any movement is better than none. Jillian says that nutrition is 90% of your health. Just focus on one thing a vegie at every meal, and go from there.