

  • I will give it a go....I have some work to do since I am 2 days behind but let's give it a shot!
  • I started out as FWB...then it turned into relationship, then back to FWB...then back to relationship...it's been a revolving door for me...I am ready to stop the door...LOL becuz I have commitment issues!!! UGH!
  • I have been here before...He was only married "because of the kids" He went back to her "because of the kids"....I walked away and 14 months later he came back to me. We began our lives together and 8 years later, our relationship didn't fair so well. We split 5 years after having a child ourselves....He never cheated but…
  • Well I am about 5'7" and stuck at 150. My goal weight is 135. I am pretty much sticking to my caloric intake of about 1200 per day and I workout everyday except for the weekend. Every Friday I am down to 149 and every Monday I am back up to 150-151...very frustrating...but this weekend, I am going to workout and try to…