

  • GREAT IDEA! I miss snacking on sweets too, and since we're so busy it's hard to try to save up calories for those little guilty pleasures. Something I did even before I started counting my calories was I switched to Almond milk (chocolate usually) in my coffee, and if I'm feeling really naughty I'll put a tiny bit of…
  • I like to go with a hard boiled egg and a banana or other fruit. 1/4 cup of almonds and a piece of fruit or even just malt-o-meal. I agree that eating the same thing every day is boring, but at breakfast I ususally have a default breakfast so I don't have to think about it and it's quick. Mornings are too busy for me to…
  • OH, man! I had a Guiness with dinner last night and it TOTALLY blew me out of the water.... well... along with 2 deserts and dinner out. (Husband's birthday.) Still. I love me some booze!
  • So this is how I understand it from your explanation: It decides you need 1300 calories to lose 2lbs per week with say... 20 minutes a day exercise. (making numbers up here.) If you exercise 30 minutes per day, you're going to lose more than 2lbs per week if you are still only consuming 1200 calories, SO... to keep you at…
  • Congrats on the choice to go smoke free! This is my day 3. I like the accountability, and I find myself always thinking.... "is it WORTH putting that in my mouth?" Today I was doing GREAT until my husband's birthday dinner. Now if i could only get into the habit of exercising regularly, I'd actually be on the right track!