whats your treat when u have calories left?....

Heather_b1986 Posts: 125 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
ok so today was a busy one and i found that i ate very little. After i had my dinner and logged my calories i found i had quite a few spare (lol this rarely happens!) i decided to treat myself with a snack pack of white chocolate oreo cookies, which at 114 calories a cookie i would normally grudge immensely or not have at all (and it would usually be the latter) but tonight you have no idea how much it cheered me up to know i could safely eat these cookies and still be ok.
so i was wondering whats been everyone elses.......... " i know i shouldnt cos its a waste of calories but....." moment :smile:


  • Hahaha this made me laugh. So funny that cookies makes us that happy. Mine would be chocolate cake. it was like 300 calories for 2 oz. of it but i totally savored it.
  • Eliaheart
    Eliaheart Posts: 73 Member
    OREOS!!!! Yum... yeah, I could definitely go for these. :)

    For me, anything sweet works, LOL!
  • milk!!!! I can drink a gallon of milk in 2 days if i let myself....so when i have calories to spare i bust out the measuring cup(much to my hubby's amusement) and have a cup of milk!

    but it's not always milk....i have a serious sweet tooth, so sometimes i'll have a mini-size candy bar, or i'll make some low-cal treats that i can have and not feel so guilty about. and a few days ago i had like 900 calories at the end of the day(i had some serious aggression to work out at the gym*grin*) so i actually stopped at mcdonalds----that only happens every couple months, i try not to eat fast food because of all the sodium.....
  • briblue72
    briblue72 Posts: 672 Member
    Kids' cereal - lucky charms, cocoa puffs, cap'n crunch... you get the idea.
  • emilyfh
    emilyfh Posts: 291 Member
    Speaking of Oreo cookies, Newman-o creme filled chocolate cookies taste or identical to Oreos, except you can have "2" for 130 calorie, there awsome. I like Skinny cows chocolate, fudge Ice cream cones 150 calories, OMG so so good.
  • Fat!- like chocolate, cheese. Actually, I almost always try to have 100-200 cal left for chocolate or something else pretty rich that I avoid during the day. It keeps me going.
  • Heather_b1986
    Heather_b1986 Posts: 125 Member
    i dont think i can get that brand of cookie where i am:grumble: but im lovin seein what everyone else has as a treat, its nice knowin am not alone on the sweet tooth front lol :smile:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    BOOZE...a cold Sam Adams
  • minnesota
    minnesota Posts: 204 Member
    PEPSI and Reeses Peanut Butter Cups! yum
  • OH, man! I had a Guiness with dinner last night and it TOTALLY blew me out of the water.... well... along with 2 deserts and dinner out. (Husband's birthday.)
    Still. I love me some booze!
  • emilymrgn
    emilymrgn Posts: 5 Member
    Blue Bell Mooo bars or Weight Watchers fudgecicles
  • stef_e_b
    stef_e_b Posts: 593
    cherry blossom Mmmmmmmmm!

    or those cadbury cream eggs

    or licorice that panda licorice

    wow this was a bad thread for me. I should just stay out of the kitchen.
  • Well, if I have quite a few calories left, I usually indulge in the following: Beer (or vodka w/diet soda), pickle chips and/or dark chocolate (usually individually wrapped little bites, but I also love any super dark organic chocolate- no cheap waxy plain Hershey bar for me!) or any with dried fruit or nuts in it. Once in a great, great while I indulge in high-quality milk chocolate, too, but not often at all.
  • tlapdx72
    tlapdx72 Posts: 311 Member
    well i would love a shake:tongue:
  • I had chocolate yesterday - Green and Blacks white chocolate. 2 small bars (35g) but oh so nice....
  • MOCHI!
    ... vanilla, strawberry, chocolate, green tea, mango.... yummmmmmm
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    Yesterday I had a lot of calories left and treated myself to 1.2 cup of Braums Cherry Limeade Sherbet. It's so good and only 130 calories for the half cup!
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    BOOZE...a cold Sam Adams

    Yes, yes, a million times yes!

    Wine for me usually! :smile:
  • I love me some booze too!!! Usually red wine or a Corona, I always manage to work in a glass of wine every couple of days. The worst for me is the salt...popcorn with butter, chips, nachos and cheese. And any kind of cheese I can get my hands on. I am a cheese-a-holic:ohwell:
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