

  • Congratulations!!! It's an awesome accomplishment, you should be very proud of yourself!
  • You are definately in the right place and you have the right mindset to do this. I am sorry to hear about your loss! My advice to you is to stay true to yourself, remind yourself why you're doing this at least everyday, and when you fall, pick yourself back up and start again. It will be easy at times and hard at times but…
  • I totally understand that! You can do it, buckle down, excersise your heart out, fill your plate with vegetables, fruits and lean protiens, along with some healthy carbs. The more natural a food is the better it will stay in your body keeping you full inbetween meals. Drink plenty of water to keep up with the sweat you…
  • Wow girl you look AMAZING! I don't think you have any body fat left to lose either :smile: Keep up the great work! You have inspired me.
  • Did a 40 minute walk outside this morning, some weights, push ups and abdominal work. Back to running tomorrow!!!
  • You made me giggle! I agree. Sweat is not a bad thing it helps keep the body cool. Some people just naturally sweat more then others. As long as you shower daily it's not like your going to smell bad so let the body do it's thing.
  • I understand your confusion and have been there! MFP has the best accurate calorie intake for gradual and permanent weight loss. 2500 calories would more likely be maintenence calories. It sounds like you are in plateu(sp?) mode. Are you eating your excersise calories? What do you have for your daily activity level? What…
  • Good for you! Keep up the good work, it gets easier! I quit 5 years ago, my husband quit 29 days ago. You are doing it the best way, by watching what you're eating and excersising. Be proud of yourself and keep reminders all over your house as to why you have made this great decision!
  • Sometimes when I know it's been a vacation week or a crazy weekend, I skip my weigh day and wait until the next one. I find personally, not knowing if I gained or lost helps me get back on track faster. I try not to let the scale get me down but sometimes when I see a weight gain it makes me really anxious. Good luck on…
  • Huge accomplishment!!! Congratulations and keep up the good work!! I stared running in January and it was hard at first, but I too fell in love with it. Your body gets used to it pretty quick and before you know it your running for miles! Keep it up and good luck!
  • I would suggest finding something that you enjoy doing for your excersise. I decided last year to start running, I would walk for 2minutes and then run for 2 and repeat for half an hour. Interval training is a great way to burn lots of calories. You can do the walk/run or one of the Turbo Jams workouts. Good luck!
  • You are so NOT Crazy!!! I am running my first 1/2 marathon on Sunday! I did a 10 week training program and it worked very well. Remember to run at your comfortable pace, don't think about how fast your going just find a rythym that your comfortable with and go for it. Set yourself up with 3 time goals, the first being your…
  • I do wash my sneakers in the washing machine but do NOT dry them in the dryer, they lose thier shape. Instead wad up newspaper stick it inside the shoe and leave it to air dry either in the house or outside in the sun.
  • I would say at the least you would be light active. I don't know any 3 year old that doesn't keep his mother on her toes! I too am a stay at home Mom and I put light active as my normal day.Hope this helped.
  • That's awesome! Way to go. Use the tools on this site and eat the calories it tells you that you have, you will still lose weight and you wont "give up" because of starvation. Eating a well balanced healthy diet with lean protien and carbs is the best way to lose weight! I did that stupid no carb diet, it works for the…
  • for lunch; a sandwich, an apple and a low fat string cheese, then for dinner you could have some cold veggies, like carrots, celery, cucumber with a cold pasta salad mixed with some low fat cheese and beans. Make sure to pack some healthy snacks for the long day. Good Luck.
  • I know a few people like this myself. I too get frustrated with there lack of responsiblities. I give them MFP site and tell them the pounds don't come off over night and when they're ready to trully make a difference for themselves, I am here to answer any questions they have!
  • You have awesome goals set up sounds like your on the right track!! Keep up the good work!
  • It is hard to get back on track, I usually somehow manage to "Justify" my bad eating habits with some lame excuse. Just this past week I had a rough one, somehow I managed to get back on track, took 2 days!!! I try to tell myself, get through the first day and the next day gets easier, then I try to think of something to…
  • Great Idea! Nothing like being accountable to people =). Where's your blog?
  • you look AWESOME! Scales are our enemies =) I have taken pictures in my swimsuits since I started losing weight 2 years ago. Sometimes I look back on them, maybe one day I will burn them =) but for now they make me proud at how far I've come. Keep up the good work
  • They have some great "fanny" packs that fit your cell phone and keys in them and they're anywhere between 10 and 25.00.
  • Sorry somehow I posted twice :laugh:
  • What matters more is definately the way your clothes fit. Being that you have a young child your body may be shocked by what your doing to it therefore your not seeing the results on the scale. After a few more months you'll probably notice a HUGE drop. Even if you don't no worries your clothes are getting loser. Muscle…
  • Any soda and alot of our snack foods has hazardous materials in it. How many people eat "bleached flour" UGH!! Think about it. I've learned so much about food and crap that is passed as food in our country to be DISGUSTED! I read EVERYTHING that I buy and stick to as many natural unproccessed foods as I can.
  • Wow! What a bunch of great and inspiring advice. Not much more to say. The only other thing, I remember reading or hearing from somewhere, when your going to grab that bag of chips or cookies or brownies (my downfall!!) think, is this really worth it? Do I want to lose some weight or do I really want this (insert food…
  • It's always worth it to work out, you may not see a difference in the scale until a week after it's over but it really does make a big difference. Not only does it help at least maintain your weight loss, it helps you to feel better and keep your energy up. I usually gain a pound or 2 during mine and then a week later I'm…
  • I lost mine with the weight and when I stopped nursing, I went from a DD to barely a B. I found this fabulous website and ordered take outs! Check it out, I just got them in the mail today and I tried them in my swimsuit and wow what a difference. I may not have much anymore and I have to say I don't miss them, but I do…
  • I have noticed that more and more. Now when my husband has one of his late night cravings and asks If I would like something from one of my old favorite fast food joints, I no longer give him a dirty look. Now I just give him a green look. The thought of eating that garbage is a major turn off now. lol. There's lots of…
  • I quit smoking about 5 years ago and although I wasn't trying to lose weight at the time, I didn't gain any. The key is to keep yourself busy and with the help of this site stay on target with your calories and you shouldn't have a problem. If you notice yourself munching mindlessly, stop and find something else to do with…