

  • You have been here for a few years, OP has been here for a few months. The information was new to him and he thought he would share it with anyone who didn't already know. Seasoned veterans shouldn't be surprised when newbies are learning things for the first time, and they certainly shouldn't be nasty and treat them like…
  • Agreed. These forums are far too hangry! If people can't be polite, they should probably up their calories. Chipotle anyone?
  • When I started watching Netflix instead of regular TV programming, my cravings went down substantially. No more food commercials! I love your idea, though. I have been able to change a lot of powerful associations in my mind just by using my imagination.
  • I was dealing with some pretty intense abdominal pain for a couple of years, and my doctors couldn't figure out why. When I reluctantly and skeptically traded wheat products for corn and rice, I dropped 10 pounds of water in a week! Seriously, I couldn't stop peeing. I think it was the inflammation calming down, because…
  • For me, it's more like 40/60. While calories are all that count for weight loss, I CANNOT stick to my calorie goals unless I'm also exercising. Exercising helps to stabilize blood sugar levels so that I don't dive headfirst into every dessert that I see. It also keeps me busy so that I don't overeat out of boredom. I…
  • Eating is a lot like breathing...our body puts it on autopilot; most of the time, we don't even think about it. We can change how we breath or eat for short periods of time, but only when most of our attention is focused on that. Eventually, life happens. We get distracted and focus on other things (there are so many more…
  • When you do the math, you will learn that you can't lose much weight on Alli at all. You are only allowed 15 g of fat per meal, and Alli blocks only about 20-25% of it (IIRC). 25% of 15 g of fat is only 3.75 g of fat, approximately 34 calories. Multiply that times 3 meals per day, and you are only able to create a 100…
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