What's up with people eating Gluten Free ?



  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    You may be right. I guess time will tell. I don't know if there are varying degrees of the disease and I have a light case, or if I've built up a tolerance over time, or if it's just secretly doing damage and I'll regret it later - it just doesn't seem to affect me overly much. A few small annoyances here and there, but nothing that makes me take pause and nothing that's made it worth fussing over.

    Not everyone who has it has discomfort. My friend's husband got diagnosed when his blood tests came back showing low iron and that was one of the things they checked him for. He had no other symptoms.

    I suspect I have it because of a rash on my chest that sounds exactly like a rash that is directly connected to celiac and when I don't eat gluten for a while, I notice I have a lot more energy in general and few things I didn't even know were wrong suddenly clear up. There is a world of difference in how I feel overall and I didn't even know I didn't feel well to begin with.

    I haven't received an official diagnosis, though, so who knows?

    The problem is that even if you have no obvious physical symptoms, you're still slowly killing yourself. You might want to look up the consequences of a celiac eating gluten. I have a friend who nearly died from it.

    Well, what I don't know can't kill me, right? Wait...

    Great attitude to have!
  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
    I've been told by professionals that if you go gluten free without medically needing to, it can be bad for your health.

    Professional what? :huh:

    You know... MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS......

  • 20Grit
    20Grit Posts: 752 Member
    I've been told by professionals that if you go gluten free without medically needing to, it can be bad for your health.

    Professional what? :huh:

    You know... MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS......


  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    A lot of people go GF because they think they can lose weight. A lot of GF products are actually similar or even higher in calories so of course, this doesn't work.

    I'm not celiac but I still choose to eat GF because I feel better when I avoid gluten. The longer I go with no gluten in my diet, the worse the gastrointestinal distress when I eat it. My husband used to think I was just doing this for a fad diet too, but quickly changed his mind the few times I tested the theory and could clear the whole house with my....uh...gaseous aroma (sorry if TMI).

    If you've ever read Wheat Belly, you could understand why people might drink the GF kool-aid and forego gluten forever - while the author does have some good points, he's a little extreme in his views. Wheat Belly is a very popular book and I suspect most GF fad-dieters got their information from there.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    A lot of people go GF because they think they can lose weight. A lot of GF products are actually similar or even higher in calories so of course, this doesn't work.

    I'm not celiac but I still choose to eat GF because I feel better when I avoid gluten. The longer I go with no gluten in my diet, the worse the gastrointestinal distress when I eat it. My husband used to think I was just doing this for a fad diet too, but quickly changed his mind the few times I tested the theory and could clear the whole house with my....uh...gaseous aroma (sorry if TMI).

    If you've ever read Wheat Belly, you could understand why people might drink the GF kool-aid and forego gluten forever - while the author does have some good points, he's a little extreme in his views. Wheat Belly is a very popular book and I suspect most GF fad-dieters got their information from there.

    oh man. Wheat Belly. One of my long time good friends read that and she's been so much harder to be around since then!! haha Although the funny (to me) part is half the time when she's telling me about how we're all killing ourselves with wheat and gluten she's eating something with gluten in it.
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    A lot of people go GF because they think they can lose weight. A lot of GF products are actually similar or even higher in calories so of course, this doesn't work.

    I'm not celiac but I still choose to eat GF because I feel better when I avoid gluten. The longer I go with no gluten in my diet, the worse the gastrointestinal distress when I eat it. My husband used to think I was just doing this for a fad diet too, but quickly changed his mind the few times I tested the theory and could clear the whole house with my....uh...gaseous aroma (sorry if TMI).

    If you've ever read Wheat Belly, you could understand why people might drink the GF kool-aid and forego gluten forever - while the author does have some good points, he's a little extreme in his views. Wheat Belly is a very popular book and I suspect most GF fad-dieters got their information from there.

    oh man. Wheat Belly. One of my long time good friends read that and she's been so much harder to be around since then!! haha Although the funny (to me) part is half the time when she's telling me about how we're all killing ourselves with wheat and gluten she's eating something with gluten in it.

    Haha, yes it is a very extreme take on the whole gluten thing. Pretty sure the author is rolling in his 100 dollar bills while stuffing his face with donuts :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • I was dealing with some pretty intense abdominal pain for a couple of years, and my doctors couldn't figure out why. When I reluctantly and skeptically traded wheat products for corn and rice, I dropped 10 pounds of water in a week! Seriously, I couldn't stop peeing. I think it was the inflammation calming down, because the pain also went away. I had to trade in a swimsuit that I bought only the week before for a smaller size.

    I tested negative for celiac disease. However, every time I add normal bread products back into my diet, I get abdominal pain that keeps me up at night and I gain several pounds within days. When I stop eating wheat, the pain goes away and my weight drops again. I have tested this several times over the last two years, and the results are consistent.

    Is it gluten sensitivity? I have no idea. It could be some other molecule in wheat bread/pasta/cereal. It could be just a highly unlikely coincidence. It could be that the food fairy is messing with me.

    Until I know for sure, I'm grateful for gluten free.
  • andylllI
    andylllI Posts: 379 Member
    I wonder if cutting out gluten/wheat is more about a reduction in gut fermentation. Gluten and wheat are mentioned as foods to avoid in the FODMAP diet. This diet is recommended to people with IBD and IBS.
  • glad the popularity is growing for the people who are sensative, but I have noticed a large increase in people jumping on the bandwagon for no reason at all, oh well, guess thats their choice

    That was my whole point, lots of people just following gluten free like sheep, getting sucked in marketing and consumer fads not waiting to think , " hey how does this affect me ? "

    I'm not here to say what to eat or not eat etc...just wanted to put it out to the people who have no gluten sensitivity/celiac that there's no need to buy gluten free products cause it's not going to affect you. Period !
  • My Gf has celiac and I know how bad it's been for her. She's gone completely vegan now, as for me never had a problem with carbs or gluten etc... I
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Persuade people that GF is "healthy" and required.

    Sell GF products for twice the normal price.

  • Persuade people that GF is "healthy" and required.

    Sell GF products for twice the normal price.


    Exactly my thoughts mate ! :)
  • Why do you care OP? Let people decide what's good for them.
  • Why do you care OP? Let people decide what's good for them.

    I don' give a **** mate, just putting it out there.
  • George_Baileys_Ghost
    George_Baileys_Ghost Posts: 1,524 Member
    Some have medical reasons, some like to feel fancy, some need a new religion, and others just want to. It won't kill ya not to eat it, so I'd say that they're all pretty valid reasons as far as personal choice is concerned.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    glad the popularity is growing for the people who are sensative, but I have noticed a large increase in people jumping on the bandwagon for no reason at all, oh well, guess thats their choice

    That was my whole point, lots of people just following gluten free like sheep, getting sucked in marketing and consumer fads not waiting to think , " hey how does this affect me ? "

    I'm not here to say what to eat or not eat etc...just wanted to put it out to the people who have no gluten sensitivity/celiac that there's no need to buy gluten free products cause it's not going to affect you. Period !

    I'll say it again… There are other medical problems other than Celiac and gluten intolerance that are exacerbated by gluten.
  • JupeJones
    JupeJones Posts: 107 Member
    I just like saying "gluten".

    I pronounce it with an exaggerated pseudo-Swedish accent. Like there's an umlaut over the "u".
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    You do realize glutens not bad for you unless you have celiac disease.


    It's not just people with cd who should avoid it. I have ibs. I have found it is a trigger so it's bad for me.
  • MissMamaAndrea
    MissMamaAndrea Posts: 99 Member
    My baby breaks out in blisters that open and won't heal until gluten is out of his system (2-4 weeks) . he doesn't have celiac disease. I have IBS gluten cases severe cramps for me so we just avoid it...

    I miss cookies and doughnuts