

  • 1/2 cup old fashioned oat with 1/2 cup blueberries on top. I also scramble up 1/2 cup egg whites. :) Perfect!
  • Just eat real food.... plain and simple. The more processed it is, the worse it is for you, more than likely.
  • I feel your pain. I have been stuck in the 160's since late December and have recently been getting very depressed about it. I just need to remind myself that 25 lbs ago I would have loved to be able to say 'i'm stuck in the 160's.'
  • I recommend putting some in Greek yogurt with a little honey and cinnamon. It's fabulous!
  • I ALWAYS shower at the gym - 6 days a week . My gym has more hot water than my home and the locker room is impeccable and they provide soaps/body wash (AND I don't have to clean it)!
  • I've had it in a smoothie before and it was quite good. Put it in a blender and pulse it until it's basically a powder then add some strawberries,a half a banana, and some skim milk. Voila! Oatmeal without knowing it's oatmeal! I can't understand your aversion however. I LOVE OATMEAL. I eat it every single morning.
  • Congrats! You look great!
  • I second the 'go to bed' comment. I go upstairs or get as far away from the kitchen as possible and try to keep myself productive by reading a book/folding laundry/cleaning until I finally feel it's late enough to go to sleep.
  • My husband and I were waiting at the airport for a flight (on our way to our wedding in fact) and I was wearing what I thought was a cute, figure flattering, a-line sundress. I tried to order a glass of wine at a bar and the waitress looked at me, glared at my stomach, and then said, "do you really think you should be…
  • You don't need to de-claw your cat as long as your a diligent with training when it is a kitten. We used soft paws to start off but every time they would reach to claw something they shouldn't we scooped them up, took them to a scratching post, and rubbed their paws on it with their claws pushed out. They got the message…
  • I think the FDA is smart enough to know that these package changes are unlikely to make a dramatic difference in current smokers' habits. I am assuming the real goal is to keep people from starting to smoke in the first place. Assuming people will quit something just because they know it's bad for them is silly. I think…
  • Obviously this is only my opinion but I agree. If I commit to working out first thing in the morning I won't let life come in between me and that workout. If I wait until after work hours I can always come up with an excuse to skip - grocery shopping, out with friends, stressful day at work, etc... You're bright eyed and…
  • I do the exact same thing and my advice to you would be to put that scale away. Commit to only weighing yourself 1 day a week and stick to it. The weight fluctuations could be due to something simple like water retention or, pardon the candidness, a buildup of #2. It's very frustrating to have a great eating/exercise day…