What foods are bad and what are good?



  • Kicktush
    Kicktush Posts: 16
    Just eat real food.... plain and simple. The more processed it is, the worse it is for you, more than likely.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    And to the "Never Eat Anything Frozen" comment... that's bologna - less healthy than bologna actually. I would encourage you to chop up veggies and freeze them. I'd also encourage you to freeze any meat you're not eating within a couple of days. Hell, I'd go so far as to encourage you to put your veggies, meat, and a delicious marinade in a ziploc and freeze the whole damn thing! Freezer Meals, baby!

    I read (heard?) somewhere that frozen veg/fruit are actually better in some cases because they are frozen immediately after picking instead of being picked, trucked somewhere and sitting in the grocery store for a bit before you get it. I do love going to my farmer's market and getting local produce that was either picked that day or the previous day though.

    I am with both of you. I get lots of frozen vegetables, they last longer! We eat tons of fresh fruits and salad type of vegetables, but things like green beans and broccoli and my stir fry mix, all come from a big bag at costco. Frozen vegetables also save so much money because they do not go to waste if they are not eaten in a week. I also agree that some of them taste better than the ones that have been sitting on a truck or a grocery store warehouse some where. I love my farmers market but it is only open May-September.
  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    Food isn't good or bad (unless you are allergic). It is your choices that get you in trouble.
  • Bmontgomery613
    Bmontgomery613 Posts: 200 Member
    Oh god. Must. Suppress. Grammar nazi.

    quick answer: no food is BAD with the exception of trans fat. There is no such thing as good food and bad food, only food.

    Better answer: I'm assuming you are looking for overall health benefits so I will answer accordingly. Cutting back on heavily processed foods of all types, be they Taco Bell or those frozen diet meals, will prove a health benefit in the long term. Natural foods will provide you with a better balance of nutrients. If you can identify the plant or animal that the food comes from then there's a good bet it's at least moderately good for you.

    However I don't bash processed foods entirely. I like sweet tea, and it has aspartame (sp?) in it. Just remember to honor the poet Horace's words and take everything in moderation.

  • New_Atti2ude
    New_Atti2ude Posts: 114 Member
    In my opinion (and it is just that, an opinion), if you are simply trying to lose weight none of that really matters. Have the splenda and fat free sour cream if that's your thing.

    If you're trying to cut your chemicals, processed foods, food dyes, preservatives, etc. that's a whole different issue.

    And to the "Never Eat Anything Frozen" comment... that's bologna - less healthy than bologna actually. I would encourage you to chop up veggies and freeze them. I'd also encourage you to freeze any meat you're not eating within a couple of days. Hell, I'd go so far as to encourage you to put your veggies, meat, and a delicious marinade in a ziploc and freeze the whole damn thing! Freezer Meals, baby!