

  • I bought the book and cd - it all looks like it makes sense and is just basic logic, but actually putting it into practise is another matter. He says you can eat anything you want as long as you are hungry and then stop when you feel full. You put chocolate cake in front of me when I am hungry, there is no way I would be…
  • What a star!! I always wanted to eat Choccy for breakfast but always told myself that would be crossing the line, so never had the guts. Fair Play!
  • I love Thorntons Chocolate (not sure if you get it outside the UK) - they do a crumbled type for a chocolate fountain. Haven't got the patience to sort out a fountain, just whack it in the microwave and once melted and yummy, dip some marshmallows in it. YUM YUM! I think if you are going to have chocolate, make it your…
  • What are you up to!!!! I say don't take too much notice of what percentage of your diet is protein etc. It is hard enough eating within 1200 calories so who cares where it comes from. If you are burning more than 1200 calories per day to live then you will burn it off and lose weight no matter what food it has come from.…
  • If you want a cheat day eat week, then why not save up some calories throughout the week to spend on your treats? I know I am going to be overeating a bit the weekend (girly night out followed by a curry) so I have been mega strict this week and gone under each day by about 300 calories - over 6 days thats 1800 calories…
    in Cheat Days Comment by jojom March 2008
  • 1690 calories seems very high anyway so I wouldn't worry too much about not reaching that amount. Listen to your body - if you are not hungry don't eat for the sake of it. Try not to drop below 1000 calories if you can but just make the most of being able to eat less and feel satisfied. Isn't this what you wanted???
  • This is pure green tea and you get it in a tea bag form - you can find it in all supermarkets, usually with the herbal teas. I think you can get a decaf version, but the caffeine levels in green tea is lower than normal tea, so I haven't worried about this. Plus a small amount of caffeine is good for boosting metabolism I…
  • On friday I started to drink Green Tea - my husband always goes on at me about the benefits. On Sunday I completely lost my appetite - thought it wouldn't last but it is now Thursday and I still have no appetite! I have always had to save 200-300 calories for the evening for my "evening munchies", but since Sunday I have…
  • Take care and good luck. Remember, them croissants are going to be there tomorrow if you really want one. Yeah, right, as if that is going to help!!! Tough base soon. Good Luck XXXX
  • The low fat yogs etc just don't do it for me!!!! Just wish there was an easy way! One of my best mates has just moved to Sydney, Australia and piled on loads of weight as she said their culture is loads of eating out. Can't win by the looks of it! Just wish the wine had no cals, would be a help!!!! You are lucky to travel…
  • YUM YUM Cakes and cookies. You are very good to resist. Do you find that there are load of girls out there that lose 40 pounds plus and get really skinny and people like me find it difficult to lose 10 pounds. They seem to get in the mode and nothing can stop them. I lose a few pounds and think, "well its ok to pig out a…
  • THANK YOU!! At last someone like me. Like you ashlaurenn I am not hugely overweight, but know I am going to have this ongoing battle with food that I love for the rest of my life!!! Is there any hope for us??? At the moment, my husband is munching through some doritos and I could kill him!!!
  • How the hell did you manage to work that out? I think its great if you are right - if you know where the problem lies you have a great chance of fixing it. Any chance you can work out why I am addicted to anything that tastes chocolatey??? Yum yum!!
  • GOOD FOR YOU! Brag away!
  • GOOD FOR YOU! Brag away!
  • GOOD FOR YOU! Brag away!
  • Why is it so rubbish having a outlook on food like me. I can be really good at losing weight but as soon as I fall "off the wagon" thats it - I will eat everything in sight. This used to be under control until I had my two lovely babies. I used to range from 8 stone to 9.5 stone (doesn't sound much but I am only a little…
  • If you really want to be successful in losing weight you have to sort out a permanent solution - which isn't to indulge yourself for one day. If you do that it is more difficult to get back on track the next day too. You simply should explain to her that you want to lose weight and that means that you can't eat the food…