Why is it so rubbish having a outlook on food like me. I can be really good at losing weight but as soon as I fall "off the wagon" thats it - I will eat everything in sight. This used to be under control until I had my two lovely babies. I used to range from 8 stone to 9.5 stone (doesn't sound much but I am only a little 5ft 2"). Now I am struggling to stay under 10 stone!


Today I went for a carvery with friends. I had far too many potatoes (although I was spared of the pudding - not because of my willpower, but the fact that no-one else had one and I would feel like too much of a pig to eat alone!!!!). Tonight, I have not eated at all to make up for it - plus I wanted to have some wine so needed the calories for that. Was going to have a bottle, but as I have not eaten much, I don't think that will be necessary. HOW SAD AM I?????

Anyone else out there the same?????


  • jojom
    jojom Posts: 20
    Why is it so rubbish having a outlook on food like me. I can be really good at losing weight but as soon as I fall "off the wagon" thats it - I will eat everything in sight. This used to be under control until I had my two lovely babies. I used to range from 8 stone to 9.5 stone (doesn't sound much but I am only a little 5ft 2"). Now I am struggling to stay under 10 stone!


    Today I went for a carvery with friends. I had far too many potatoes (although I was spared of the pudding - not because of my willpower, but the fact that no-one else had one and I would feel like too much of a pig to eat alone!!!!). Tonight, I have not eated at all to make up for it - plus I wanted to have some wine so needed the calories for that. Was going to have a bottle, but as I have not eaten much, I don't think that will be necessary. HOW SAD AM I?????

    Anyone else out there the same?????
  • ashlaurenn
    I am exactly the same, every minute i think about food and it sux!
    I am not by any means overweight, but i want to loose 5 pounds and i just cant seem to do it.

    When a plate of food is put infront of me.. i will eat it. When there are donuts bought to work, i will eat as many as i can until i feel sick.. then for the whole day i will feel so terrible because 1- i feel sick from eating too much and 2- the fact i cant enjoy my dinner because i will feel i cant eat anything for the rest of the day!

    aghhhh.. i wish i had the metabolism of a teenager again! dam the female figure and our love of yummy food!

    One thing i do to control my obsene binging is if i promise to stop eating now, i will treat myself with a nice meal later, or a low cal dessert after dinner.. it works sometimes.

    The best low cal dessert is a a bowl of sugar free strawberry jello, with low calorie/low carb vanilla yoghurt sprinkled with a few oats... you can have a good amount and at a max its 60 calories..and less than 10 carbs..

    If your craving savory, thickly slice zucchini and dip it in egg yolk and fry with a little olive oil.
    Add salt, pepper, or garlic and herb sprinkles to taste.. lots of protein and low carb..

    What can i say.. i'm a snack addict.
  • jojom
    jojom Posts: 20
    THANK YOU!! At last someone like me. Like you ashlaurenn I am not hugely overweight, but know I am going to have this ongoing battle with food that I love for the rest of my life!!!

    Is there any hope for us???

    At the moment, my husband is munching through some doritos and I could kill him!!!
  • ashlaurenn
    Haha.. i can so imagine.. i live with 2 quite overweight students who are forever baking cookies, cakes and even bread.. everything i love and cant have.

    I guess its better to be painfully thinking about food than giving in and contemplating sumo as a profession.
  • jojom
    jojom Posts: 20
    YUM YUM Cakes and cookies. You are very good to resist.

    Do you find that there are load of girls out there that lose 40 pounds plus and get really skinny and people like me find it difficult to lose 10 pounds. They seem to get in the mode and nothing can stop them. I lose a few pounds and think, "well its ok to pig out a bit"!.

    Not sure where you all live, but in the UK you can't get loads of good low cal food like you can in US (know from my visits there). Not an excuse - still know I am a piggy and would chose big fat choccy cake piggy food anyway if I had the choice when I am not being completely strict with myself! XX
  • ashlaurenn
    Yeah i know! I lived in Hammersmith for 2 years! The tesco's for example.. is terrible, all that ready made crap is so hard to resist. I found it hard there but it was mostly due to drinking too much booze!

    I'm in Canada but am from Australia. Aus is THE best for healthy groceries, low calorie options with everthing..
    You cant even get low fat cheese here.. how ridiculous!

    You should be able to find yogurt. i'm addicted to it, i think i remember getting some artificially sweetened, low fat stuff..

    also lately addicted to peanut butter, i ate the ENTIRE pot in 2 weeks!! haha, baaaad. i'm such a bad binger.

    I totally agree with the overweighters dropping to below us being amazing, i really dont know how they do it! maybe their body is in shock??

    I cant really talk tho, not once in my life have i ever stuck to a diet for even a week.. i think deep down inside i know i dont HAVE to.. i'm healthy and i love sweets so cant resist!

    I think i just need a really good reason to loose it or i never will.. where is that inspiration..??!!
  • jojom
    jojom Posts: 20
    The low fat yogs etc just don't do it for me!!!! Just wish there was an easy way!

    One of my best mates has just moved to Sydney, Australia and piled on loads of weight as she said their culture is loads of eating out. Can't win by the looks of it!

    Just wish the wine had no cals, would be a help!!!!

    You are lucky to travel - wish I had done it more. Done loads through hols, but don't really get to understand the culture that way. Never been to Canada - its next on my list once the kids are old enough to put up with a driving hols. You have to let me know the best places to go (and eat HA HA HA!!!)
  • ashlaurenn
    Yeah, i think if your friend is traveling you end up eating out because its social i guess. I can never afford it!
    I will let you know where to go out for sure.

    Good luck with the rest of your weightloss..

    my housemate is baking croissants..i'm living in hell.. ha

    see ya

  • jojom
    jojom Posts: 20
    Take care and good luck. Remember, them croissants are going to be there tomorrow if you really want one. Yeah, right, as if that is going to help!!!

    Tough base soon. Good Luck XXXX
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    I am exactly the same, every minute i think about food and it sux!
    I am not by any means overweight, but i want to loose 5 pounds and i just cant seem to do it.

    When a plate of food is put infront of me.. i will eat it. When there are donuts bought to work, i will eat as many as i can until i feel sick.. then for the whole day i will feel so terrible because 1- i feel sick from eating too much and 2- the fact i cant enjoy my dinner because i will feel i cant eat anything for the rest of the day!

    aghhhh.. i wish i had the metabolism of a teenager again! dam the female figure and our love of yummy food!

    One thing i do to control my obsene binging is if i promise to stop eating now, i will treat myself with a nice meal later, or a low cal dessert after dinner.. it works sometimes.

    The best low cal dessert is a a bowl of sugar free strawberry jello, with low calorie/low carb vanilla yoghurt sprinkled with a few oats... you can have a good amount and at a max its 60 calories..and less than 10 carbs..

    If your craving savory, thickly slice zucchini and dip it in egg yolk and fry with a little olive oil.
    Add salt, pepper, or garlic and herb sprinkles to taste.. lots of protein and low carb..

    What can i say.. i'm a snack addict.

    I don't see anything wrong with you unless your photo isn't accurate.