

  • You were helpful, a few people in here were, but I just didn't think I'd get nasty comments from others in a place like this. Still, I thank you and everyone else who gave me advice. I'm going to invest in a scale today and I'm considering not being on the shakes anymore, but idk about that still.
  • Wow, just wow. I give up, you guys win. I'm stupid for posting here.
  • It was time consuming, i said before I searched for a good hour. I didn't think I'd be attacked for asking a question. I thought that was something you could do here. Was I wrong? You make it seem like it. Like I'm horrible for people taking the time out to answer me when I couldn't find it myself. Yes, I registered in…
  • Ok so I don't appreciate you telling me to grow up when you don't know everything. I was asking if there was an easier way and when people started telling me that I really need to get a scale, I said ok, I'll try to do that. As far as searching, who said I didn't search? I did. There was about 60 pages of results on what I…
  • Well like I said, I was on the herbalife thing before and I was able to be a lot more strict. I had a shake for lunch and for dinner. At lunch I mostly had 1 piece of chicken (usually with some kind of filling in it so it's not too bland) and 1 cup of veggies, my snack was usually fruit and I had 8 glasses of water a day…
  • Yeah that is why money is tight for me, just got a job and I'm trying to save up as much as I can to get out of here while still paying bills, student loans and all that stuff. I used to be on the shakes like more then a year ago and lost 15lbs in 2 months on them, of course I gained it all back the moment I moved to this…
  • Yeah that seems like it can be a pain, esp when it's not even caned beans, they are packaged ones that are cooked in a big pot with lord knows what. Food is not easy in this house, like I said I live with other people temporarily and one of them cooks like mad and gets insulted if you don't eat her food, so, I try to not…
  • Herbalife and slim fast. Kinda weird I guess but I have the shake mix for herbalife that I make in the morning but for work, instead of making a 2nd shake, which I never have time for in the morning, I just take a bottle of slim fast with me to work. I don't make them the night before and put them in the fridge either…
  • In this house there is a lot of rice and beans that are made. I try to stay away from rice in general but if I'm not mistaken beans can be good for you (iron) well the package says 1cup. Wouldn't that be something I could just use a measuring cup for? Like those ones you use for measuring sugar or something like that? I…
  • What I mean is that I just started it and not having the foods I was used to having is making me a little grumpy, because I'm still trying to learn self control with my diet. I have 2 shakes a day and don't really have anything else till I'm home from work. Sitting in a lunch room with amazing smelling food at work makes…
  • Sadly, that is the harsh truth. I've been working a lot of overtime at work lately, so I've found myself being more lazy when I can find the time for it. =/ Guess I just gotta push myself a little more. I just started back on my diet so it's making me a little grumpy and so is work. So more work in something, anything, no…
  • Well there wasn't much left in the package so I wouldn't of been able to count how many total was in there. Still, I kind of had a feeling I'd need a scale. I just didn't know if there was a better way. Also money is tight so even a scale at $20 would be hard for me to get, but I'll have to figure something out. There is…