Confused on the amount of calories I'm having

First off, sorry if there is a post similar to this already, but searching for answers is proving to be difficult and time consuming, so I thought I'd post myself.

I'm not sure if I'm missing something that makes counting calories easier, but it seems some foods make it impossible to know how much you are actually taking in. **I'd like to also point out a very important fact about me before I continue, I suck at math, really, even the most basic stuff I can't figure out, so having the ability to know how to figure out calories may come easy to most but not to me.**

So, an example was today, I had a bagel with some turkey and cheese on it. Well, the bagel was straight forward, 230 calories per 1 bagel, simple enough. The turkey however, said 100 calories per 4 ounces. Ok...well, how am I suppose to know how many ounces a slice is? It doesn't even tell me anywhere on the package. Says the entire package is 16 ounces and that the serving size is 8 per package, but still, call me stupid but I don't know how to figure that out. I don't even know how many slices are in a package either. I had 4 slices but I don't know how many calories 4 slices is.

I don't like having to guess on calories but it seems I have to a lot unless it's pretty straight forward. Even the trail mix I have says how many calories per 3 tpsp. So should I start eating it with a damn tpsp to figure it out?

How do you guys figure out exactly how many calories you are having? Is there a ridiculously simple way to do it that I'm not thinking about? Or is it really this much of a pain?

I'm posting this at the risk that I'm just sounding really dumb just so I can understand how this works because I really want to be good at keeping track so I can be more successful at losing weight.


  • bethannien
    bethannien Posts: 556 Member
    Measure liquids in measuring cups and spoons and use a kitchen scale to weigh solid food. It is literally the only way to know accurately what you're eating. It may sound like a lot of work but it really doesn't add much time into your prep and it's easy.
  • jillmarie125
    jillmarie125 Posts: 418 Member
    Well for slices of turkey you need to weigh them. I would get a scale (you can find for about $20) and start weighing out your food. I am guessing you don't have a scale. So you could have counted out the slices in the pack, and if the package said 4 servings...divide the total by 4 and there is you 1 serving. But I suggest getting a scale ASAP.
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    It's not particularly difficult; you're just not wanting to do it.

    If a serving size of something is 3 Tbsp, then yes, of course you measure it with a tablespoon. But you knew that.

    If there are 8 servings of turkey in the package and you want to know how many slices, then open up the package and count how many slices there are, and divide that number by 8. It doesn't even matter if you're bad at math; calculators are a wonderful thing, or you could go math-free by laying out 8 even piles, like you're dealing a hand of cards.

    And it's not like you have to do that every single time. Once you know how many slices of turkey are in a serving, you know to just grab that many whenever you want it in the future.
  • Well there wasn't much left in the package so I wouldn't of been able to count how many total was in there. Still, I kind of had a feeling I'd need a scale. I just didn't know if there was a better way. Also money is tight so even a scale at $20 would be hard for me to get, but I'll have to figure something out.

    There is also no measuring cups to be found in this house (I currently live with someone else temporarily) it's one of the strangest things to be in a home without those. I'll have to get the money up to invest in those as well.

    With some things, like if it says calories per cup, I can usually just guess pretty well what a cup is without measuring, but looks like I can't get out of needing a scale.

    Thanks for letting me know what I need to do.
  • It's not particularly difficult; you're just not wanting to do it.

    Sadly, that is the harsh truth. I've been working a lot of overtime at work lately, so I've found myself being more lazy when I can find the time for it. =/

    Guess I just gotta push myself a little more. I just started back on my diet so it's making me a little grumpy and so is work. So more work in something, anything, no matter how little, I find myself not wanting to do it lol. Sad I know.
  • _SantaClause_
    _SantaClause_ Posts: 215 Member
    It's not particularly difficult; you're just not wanting to do it.

    Sadly, that is the harsh truth. I've been working a lot of overtime at work lately, so I've found myself being more lazy when I can find the time for it. =/

    Guess I just gotta push myself a little more. I just started back on my diet so it's making me a little grumpy and so is work. So more work in something, anything, no matter how little, I find myself not wanting to do it lol. Sad I know.

    Why is your "diet" making you grumpy?
    You're doing it wrong.

    Are you going to be grumpy all your life?
  • Jewlz280
    Jewlz280 Posts: 547 Member
    Well there wasn't much left in the package so I wouldn't of been able to count how many total was in there. Still, I kind of had a feeling I'd need a scale. I just didn't know if there was a better way. Also money is tight so even a scale at $20 would be hard for me to get, but I'll have to figure something out.

    There is also no measuring cups to be found in this house (I currently live with someone else temporarily) it's one of the strangest things to be in a home without those. I'll have to get the money up to invest in those as well.

    With some things, like if it says calories per cup, I can usually just guess pretty well what a cup is without measuring, but looks like I can't get out of needing a scale.

    Thanks for letting me know what I need to do.

    The thing is, even if you think you're good at eyeballing, you probably aren't. Really and truly the ONLY thing you should measure with measuring cups or spoons is liquid. Everything else will have a weight in grams (g on package) and that's what you should use. It isn't such a big deal on things like berries or a slice of bread, but on things like cheese or peanut butter or even trail mix, it can be VERY off. If you have a lot to lose, those little things aren't a big deal. Or if you're generous and typically round up on food and down on exercise. But when you get to the lower end of your loss, it matters. Measuring cups and spoons can be cheap and you may even find a package deal on Amazon. But it is WELL worth it.
  • Aust1967
    Aust1967 Posts: 68 Member
    So you could have counted out the slices in the pack, and if the package said 4 servings...divide the total by 4 and there is you 1 serving.

    If you have a new package of turkey and there are 4 servings, you could also lay out the stack of slices and cut it into 1/4s (fourths) - no counting, no math!
  • It's not particularly difficult; you're just not wanting to do it.

    Sadly, that is the harsh truth. I've been working a lot of overtime at work lately, so I've found myself being more lazy when I can find the time for it. =/

    Guess I just gotta push myself a little more. I just started back on my diet so it's making me a little grumpy and so is work. So more work in something, anything, no matter how little, I find myself not wanting to do it lol. Sad I know.

    Why is your "diet" making you grumpy?
    You're doing it wrong.

    Are you going to be grumpy all your life?

    What I mean is that I just started it and not having the foods I was used to having is making me a little grumpy, because I'm still trying to learn self control with my diet. I have 2 shakes a day and don't really have anything else till I'm home from work. Sitting in a lunch room with amazing smelling food at work makes it hard right now. Trying to push off my cravings for horrible food is hardest right now too. I had to stop bringing change with me as well so I couldn't get anything from the many vending machines at work too.
  • Well there wasn't much left in the package so I wouldn't of been able to count how many total was in there. Still, I kind of had a feeling I'd need a scale. I just didn't know if there was a better way. Also money is tight so even a scale at $20 would be hard for me to get, but I'll have to figure something out.

    There is also no measuring cups to be found in this house (I currently live with someone else temporarily) it's one of the strangest things to be in a home without those. I'll have to get the money up to invest in those as well.

    With some things, like if it says calories per cup, I can usually just guess pretty well what a cup is without measuring, but looks like I can't get out of needing a scale.

    Thanks for letting me know what I need to do.

    The thing is, even if you think you're good at eyeballing, you probably aren't. Really and truly the ONLY thing you should measure with measuring cups or spoons is liquid. Everything else will have a weight in grams (g on package) and that's what you should use. It isn't such a big deal on things like berries or a slice of bread, but on things like cheese or peanut butter or even trail mix, it can be VERY off. If you have a lot to lose, those little things aren't a big deal. Or if you're generous and typically round up on food and down on exercise. But when you get to the lower end of your loss, it matters. Measuring cups and spoons can be cheap and you may even find a package deal on Amazon. But it is WELL worth it.

    In this house there is a lot of rice and beans that are made. I try to stay away from rice in general but if I'm not mistaken beans can be good for you (iron) well the package says 1cup. Wouldn't that be something I could just use a measuring cup for? Like those ones you use for measuring sugar or something like that?

    I know measuring cups can be cheap but I'm thinking of the scale too. I think I may have some extra money this weekend to get all that taken care of.
  • Jewlz280
    Jewlz280 Posts: 547 Member
    It's not particularly difficult; you're just not wanting to do it.

    Sadly, that is the harsh truth. I've been working a lot of overtime at work lately, so I've found myself being more lazy when I can find the time for it. =/

    Guess I just gotta push myself a little more. I just started back on my diet so it's making me a little grumpy and so is work. So more work in something, anything, no matter how little, I find myself not wanting to do it lol. Sad I know.

    Why is your "diet" making you grumpy?
    You're doing it wrong.

    Are you going to be grumpy all your life?

    What I mean is that I just started it and not having the foods I was used to having is making me a little grumpy, because I'm still trying to learn self control with my diet. I have 2 shakes a day and don't really have anything else till I'm home from work. Sitting in a lunch room with amazing smelling food at work makes it hard right now. Trying to push off my cravings for horrible food is hardest right now too.

    Are you doing Slim Fast or something?
  • Jewlz280
    Jewlz280 Posts: 547 Member
    Well there wasn't much left in the package so I wouldn't of been able to count how many total was in there. Still, I kind of had a feeling I'd need a scale. I just didn't know if there was a better way. Also money is tight so even a scale at $20 would be hard for me to get, but I'll have to figure something out.

    There is also no measuring cups to be found in this house (I currently live with someone else temporarily) it's one of the strangest things to be in a home without those. I'll have to get the money up to invest in those as well.

    With some things, like if it says calories per cup, I can usually just guess pretty well what a cup is without measuring, but looks like I can't get out of needing a scale.

    Thanks for letting me know what I need to do.

    The thing is, even if you think you're good at eyeballing, you probably aren't. Really and truly the ONLY thing you should measure with measuring cups or spoons is liquid. Everything else will have a weight in grams (g on package) and that's what you should use. It isn't such a big deal on things like berries or a slice of bread, but on things like cheese or peanut butter or even trail mix, it can be VERY off. If you have a lot to lose, those little things aren't a big deal. Or if you're generous and typically round up on food and down on exercise. But when you get to the lower end of your loss, it matters. Measuring cups and spoons can be cheap and you may even find a package deal on Amazon. But it is WELL worth it.

    In this house there is a lot of rice and beans that are made. I try to stay away from rice in general but if I'm not mistaken beans can be good for you (iron) well the package says 1cup. Wouldn't that be something I could just use a measuring cup for? Like those ones you use for measuring sugar or something like that?

    I know measuring cups can be cheap but I'm thinking of the scale too. I think I may have some extra money this weekend to get all that taken care of.

    Yes, the can will say 1c., but the issue is most people when they measure a cup go to the top of the cup or slightly over when in realty you should be right under. And even then, depending on the size of the bean, the shape of the cup, etc., you can be really off. The can will also have a gram amount usually in parenthesis right after where it says 1 cup. And that is always what you should use. Rice is the exception simply because different methods cause absorption to be different so I do use a measuring cup for that.
  • It's not particularly difficult; you're just not wanting to do it.

    Sadly, that is the harsh truth. I've been working a lot of overtime at work lately, so I've found myself being more lazy when I can find the time for it. =/

    Guess I just gotta push myself a little more. I just started back on my diet so it's making me a little grumpy and so is work. So more work in something, anything, no matter how little, I find myself not wanting to do it lol. Sad I know.

    Why is your "diet" making you grumpy?
    You're doing it wrong.

    Are you going to be grumpy all your life?

    What I mean is that I just started it and not having the foods I was used to having is making me a little grumpy, because I'm still trying to learn self control with my diet. I have 2 shakes a day and don't really have anything else till I'm home from work. Sitting in a lunch room with amazing smelling food at work makes it hard right now. Trying to push off my cravings for horrible food is hardest right now too.

    Are you doing Slim Fast or something?

    Herbalife and slim fast. Kinda weird I guess but I have the shake mix for herbalife that I make in the morning but for work, instead of making a 2nd shake, which I never have time for in the morning, I just take a bottle of slim fast with me to work. I don't make them the night before and put them in the fridge either because we have a living vacuum in this house that sucks up almost anything in the kitchen even if he knows it's not for him. I don't even trust him not to take my shake. -_-
  • Well there wasn't much left in the package so I wouldn't of been able to count how many total was in there. Still, I kind of had a feeling I'd need a scale. I just didn't know if there was a better way. Also money is tight so even a scale at $20 would be hard for me to get, but I'll have to figure something out.

    There is also no measuring cups to be found in this house (I currently live with someone else temporarily) it's one of the strangest things to be in a home without those. I'll have to get the money up to invest in those as well.

    With some things, like if it says calories per cup, I can usually just guess pretty well what a cup is without measuring, but looks like I can't get out of needing a scale.

    Thanks for letting me know what I need to do.

    The thing is, even if you think you're good at eyeballing, you probably aren't. Really and truly the ONLY thing you should measure with measuring cups or spoons is liquid. Everything else will have a weight in grams (g on package) and that's what you should use. It isn't such a big deal on things like berries or a slice of bread, but on things like cheese or peanut butter or even trail mix, it can be VERY off. If you have a lot to lose, those little things aren't a big deal. Or if you're generous and typically round up on food and down on exercise. But when you get to the lower end of your loss, it matters. Measuring cups and spoons can be cheap and you may even find a package deal on Amazon. But it is WELL worth it.

    In this house there is a lot of rice and beans that are made. I try to stay away from rice in general but if I'm not mistaken beans can be good for you (iron) well the package says 1cup. Wouldn't that be something I could just use a measuring cup for? Like those ones you use for measuring sugar or something like that?

    I know measuring cups can be cheap but I'm thinking of the scale too. I think I may have some extra money this weekend to get all that taken care of.

    Yes, the can will say 1c., but the issue is most people when they measure a cup go to the top of the cup or slightly over when in realty you should be right under. And even then, depending on the size of the bean, the shape of the cup, etc., you can be really off. The can will also have a gram amount usually in parenthesis right after where it says 1 cup. And that is always what you should use. Rice is the exception simply because different methods cause absorption to be different so I do use a measuring cup for that.

    Yeah that seems like it can be a pain, esp when it's not even caned beans, they are packaged ones that are cooked in a big pot with lord knows what. Food is not easy in this house, like I said I live with other people temporarily and one of them cooks like mad and gets insulted if you don't eat her food, so, I try to not insult her while at the same time trying to watch how much of it I actually eat.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    I have never come across a product that doesn't have a weight on the package .. as a result I weigh all my food. Go get a food scale ... but probably for liquids you will have to use a measuring cup.

    So .. weigh those turkey slices .. and compare to what it says on the package. Very very precise and easy. Don't know about you and doing math .. as I am really good at math so it works for me. (I just use the calculator on my computer .. in order to log my food on MFP).

    Good luck .. but a food scale would be a wise purchase.
  • Jewlz280
    Jewlz280 Posts: 547 Member
    Well there wasn't much left in the package so I wouldn't of been able to count how many total was in there. Still, I kind of had a feeling I'd need a scale. I just didn't know if there was a better way. Also money is tight so even a scale at $20 would be hard for me to get, but I'll have to figure something out.

    There is also no measuring cups to be found in this house (I currently live with someone else temporarily) it's one of the strangest things to be in a home without those. I'll have to get the money up to invest in those as well.

    With some things, like if it says calories per cup, I can usually just guess pretty well what a cup is without measuring, but looks like I can't get out of needing a scale.

    Thanks for letting me know what I need to do.

    The thing is, even if you think you're good at eyeballing, you probably aren't. Really and truly the ONLY thing you should measure with measuring cups or spoons is liquid. Everything else will have a weight in grams (g on package) and that's what you should use. It isn't such a big deal on things like berries or a slice of bread, but on things like cheese or peanut butter or even trail mix, it can be VERY off. If you have a lot to lose, those little things aren't a big deal. Or if you're generous and typically round up on food and down on exercise. But when you get to the lower end of your loss, it matters. Measuring cups and spoons can be cheap and you may even find a package deal on Amazon. But it is WELL worth it.

    In this house there is a lot of rice and beans that are made. I try to stay away from rice in general but if I'm not mistaken beans can be good for you (iron) well the package says 1cup. Wouldn't that be something I could just use a measuring cup for? Like those ones you use for measuring sugar or something like that?

    I know measuring cups can be cheap but I'm thinking of the scale too. I think I may have some extra money this weekend to get all that taken care of.

    Yes, the can will say 1c., but the issue is most people when they measure a cup go to the top of the cup or slightly over when in realty you should be right under. And even then, depending on the size of the bean, the shape of the cup, etc., you can be really off. The can will also have a gram amount usually in parenthesis right after where it says 1 cup. And that is always what you should use. Rice is the exception simply because different methods cause absorption to be different so I do use a measuring cup for that.

    Yeah that seems like it can be a pain, esp when it's not even caned beans, they are packaged ones that are cooked in a big pot with lord knows what. Food is not easy in this house, like I said I live with other people temporarily and one of them cooks like mad and gets insulted if you don't eat her food, so, I try to not insult her while at the same time trying to watch how much of it I actually eat.

    Well, just do the best you can on those things. I'm not a fan of the shakes -- been there, done that and long term, it isn't sustainable for me. But I wish you luck on them. But for the food, yeah, just do the best you can for now, get a scale and measuring cups/spoons when you can, and keep going. It only gets easier once you get into the groove of it. And once you are in a better living situation (hopefully soon) you can be more accurate.
  • jon9949
    jon9949 Posts: 7 Member
    Some of it comes with time. Most lunch meats have the serving size at 2 or 3 oz. I found one for turkey (Hillshire Farms) which says 3 slices is 45 calories. The thin sliced ones are all about 15 calories a slice. Hang in there it gets easier. Enter the detailed name and sometimes you will get several versions of the same food and some people put how many pieces, some put ounces...
  • _SantaClause_
    _SantaClause_ Posts: 215 Member
    It's not particularly difficult; you're just not wanting to do it.

    Sadly, that is the harsh truth. I've been working a lot of overtime at work lately, so I've found myself being more lazy when I can find the time for it. =/

    Guess I just gotta push myself a little more. I just started back on my diet so it's making me a little grumpy and so is work. So more work in something, anything, no matter how little, I find myself not wanting to do it lol. Sad I know.

    Why is your "diet" making you grumpy?
    You're doing it wrong.

    Are you going to be grumpy all your life?

    What I mean is that I just started it and not having the foods I was used to having is making me a little grumpy, because I'm still trying to learn self control with my diet. I have 2 shakes a day and don't really have anything else till I'm home from work. Sitting in a lunch room with amazing smelling food at work makes it hard right now. Trying to push off my cravings for horrible food is hardest right now too.

    Are you doing Slim Fast or something?

    Herbalife and slim fast. Kinda weird I guess but I have the shake mix for herbalife that I make in the morning but for work, instead of making a 2nd shake, which I never have time for in the morning, I just take a bottle of slim fast with me to work. I don't make them the night before and put them in the fridge either because we have a living vacuum in this house that sucks up almost anything in the kitchen even if he knows it's not for him. I don't even trust him not to take my shake. -_-

    Santa's suggestion?

    Eat real food.
  • Well there wasn't much left in the package so I wouldn't of been able to count how many total was in there. Still, I kind of had a feeling I'd need a scale. I just didn't know if there was a better way. Also money is tight so even a scale at $20 would be hard for me to get, but I'll have to figure something out.

    There is also no measuring cups to be found in this house (I currently live with someone else temporarily) it's one of the strangest things to be in a home without those. I'll have to get the money up to invest in those as well.

    With some things, like if it says calories per cup, I can usually just guess pretty well what a cup is without measuring, but looks like I can't get out of needing a scale.

    Thanks for letting me know what I need to do.

    The thing is, even if you think you're good at eyeballing, you probably aren't. Really and truly the ONLY thing you should measure with measuring cups or spoons is liquid. Everything else will have a weight in grams (g on package) and that's what you should use. It isn't such a big deal on things like berries or a slice of bread, but on things like cheese or peanut butter or even trail mix, it can be VERY off. If you have a lot to lose, those little things aren't a big deal. Or if you're generous and typically round up on food and down on exercise. But when you get to the lower end of your loss, it matters. Measuring cups and spoons can be cheap and you may even find a package deal on Amazon. But it is WELL worth it.

    In this house there is a lot of rice and beans that are made. I try to stay away from rice in general but if I'm not mistaken beans can be good for you (iron) well the package says 1cup. Wouldn't that be something I could just use a measuring cup for? Like those ones you use for measuring sugar or something like that?

    I know measuring cups can be cheap but I'm thinking of the scale too. I think I may have some extra money this weekend to get all that taken care of.

    Yes, the can will say 1c., but the issue is most people when they measure a cup go to the top of the cup or slightly over when in realty you should be right under. And even then, depending on the size of the bean, the shape of the cup, etc., you can be really off. The can will also have a gram amount usually in parenthesis right after where it says 1 cup. And that is always what you should use. Rice is the exception simply because different methods cause absorption to be different so I do use a measuring cup for that.

    Yeah that seems like it can be a pain, esp when it's not even caned beans, they are packaged ones that are cooked in a big pot with lord knows what. Food is not easy in this house, like I said I live with other people temporarily and one of them cooks like mad and gets insulted if you don't eat her food, so, I try to not insult her while at the same time trying to watch how much of it I actually eat.

    Well, just do the best you can on those things. I'm not a fan of the shakes -- been there, done that and long term, it isn't sustainable for me. But I wish you luck on them. But for the food, yeah, just do the best you can for now, get a scale and measuring cups/spoons when you can, and keep going. It only gets easier once you get into the groove of it. And once you are in a better living situation (hopefully soon) you can be more accurate.

    Yeah that is why money is tight for me, just got a job and I'm trying to save up as much as I can to get out of here while still paying bills, student loans and all that stuff. I used to be on the shakes like more then a year ago and lost 15lbs in 2 months on them, of course I gained it all back the moment I moved to this place and lost control.
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    I'd say a couple of things

    a) I've never weighed food and I've lost 7-8 kg (around 14-16 pounds) BUT I am generous with my estimates of sizes and calorie counts and I under estimate exercise.

    b) try new Food, now in Delicious flavour!

    No wonder you're grumpy if you're on two shakes a day! It's not sustainable (and I'll go out on a limb and say it's not healthy). Try something like oatmeal for breakfast and a thick vege soup for lunch for similarly low calories with more real good food-y-ness about it (that's a real word 'cos I just made it up! :happy: )