Sherbog Member


  • 8 days and this is the time I found it most challenging. Plus I have way to much bourbon in the place! I have not quit drinking just desperately want to get back into the required swim suit for a trip to Mexico in November. Your post is helpful.
  • 8th day AF! Tonight is a difficult one. I am at a resort location and on Friday nights the bar is open and open mike for guests to sing or whatever. I had given thought to going and trying a NA brew. I just don't think I could be disciplined. This tiny little bar has a great selection of bourbon. How could I pass on my…
  • Have you tried the Deschutes NA Black Butte? I picked up a sixer of that not too long ago and it's pretty good. Nothing wrong with a mason jar for the right drink. Definitely with ya on the neat bourbon thing, though. I'll make the occasional old fashioned, heavy on the bitters and simple syrup instead of sugar, but most…
  • 72 yo Oregonian who has lost over 50 lbs three different times. First time with no support. Second time with MFP and the third time with TOP (take off pounds sensibly. On 2/9 I weighed 195 returning from a vacation in New Orleans. A trip to Mexico in November is my motivation to LOOSE. I am a nudist and my skin is…
  • Diet, cranberry juice, and diet squirt! I need to bling it up in a decent glass with some cherries and orange peel or something! I’ve never been one for foo foo drinks. More bourbon neat! Can’t really make a Mocktail out of that.
  • I love a craft beer. My favorite is the Deschutes Brewery Black Butte Porter. Perhaps that’s why the nonalcoholic beers are a waste of my time. I enjoyed your post.
  • Things I do to stay within my calorie limit. Weigh every morning as soon as I get up. (Works for me) Measure out 64 ounces of water when I get up and set it in a common place to remind me to drink it. Try to exercise before consuming any food. Set specific times to eat or snack. Plan my meals and enter them in my MFP diary…
  • Patting myself on the 8th day AF! What I have noticed the most is that on AF days my food choices are healthier, portion control easier and snacks are no longer processed foods. Man. sleep pattern is nicer and I get a good nights rest. I strive for a plant base diet. I even walked 2.2 miles today. I was Aa…
  • "@Sherbog Im not sure you want or have time to do this but in the January 2023 Less Alcohol thread I think there was a lot of mocktail sharing. You could look there but its a long thread. @lmlmrn has a mocktail book and she shares recipes. Here is the link to the January 2023 thread:…
  • "Hmmm maybe it is the ritual of creating the drink." I truly enjoyed the post about mocktails and the recipe. I agree I believe it is more the ritual and habit of having my evening drink. Currently I find Wylers peach tea and the new diet cranberry juice combined with diet squirt to be my go to. Oh and the fancy swanky…
  • 72 yo Oregonian who has lost over 50 lbs three different times. First time with no support. Second time with MFP and the third time with TOP (take off pounds sensibly. On 2/9 I weighed 195 returning from a vacation in New Orleans. A trip to Mexico in November is my motivation to LOOSE. I am a nudist and my skin is…
  • MOCKTAILS....So I was craving a drink....on my 6th day AF After seeing Diet Cranberry juice advertised I purchased it on my last food shop. 5 calories for 8 oz. Tonight I made a 1/2 diet cranberry juice and 1/2 diet squirt...a Mock Foo Foo drink. Realized that my evening drink was probably more habit and ritual. This…
  • AF on my 6th day now. I am isolated at my resort vacation site with 3 to 4 inches of snow and icy roads predicted. I only brought healthy foods so that has been helpful. Last night was a more difficult evening. About the time I watch the evening news I would usually make an adult drink. I am sleeping better, making…
  • Depends on if you plan on eating the peel. :)
  • 72 yo Oregonian who has lost over 50 lbs three different times. First time with no support. Second time with MFP and the third time with TOP (take off pounds sensibly. On 2/9 I weighed 195 returning from a vacation in New Orleans. A trip to Mexico in November is my motivation to LOOSE. I am a nudist and my skin is…
  • 5th day alcohol free. My goal is 30 days alcohol free then if I have my calorie count in control I will drink but only if I add those calories to my food intake count. So I allow myself 1450 calories per day. I would have to subtract alcohol calories from that number. Even then I would only allow myself one day a week.…
  • 72 yo Oregonian who has lost over 50 lbs three different times. First time with no support. Second time with MFP and the third time with TOP (take off pounds sensibly. On 2/9 I weighed 195 returning from a vacation in New Orleans. A trip to Mexico in November is my motivation to LOOSE. I am a nudist and my skin is…
  • 72 yo Oregonian who has lost over 50 lbs three different times. First time with no support. Second time with MFP and the third time with TOP (take off pounds sensibly. On 2/9 I weighed 195 returning from a vacation in New Orleans. A trip to Mexico in November is my motivation to LOOSE. I am a nudist and my skin is…
  • My goal is to be comfy in a swim suit for a Mexico vacation in November. Currently 189 this morning...under 190!!! My goal is 157-160 or so. 5'7" and 72 years old. No alcohol for 4 days!!! Until I get control of my portions and choices no alcohol, no eating out and no snacking. So far so good for four days. I travel…
  • 72 yo Oregonian who has lost over 50 lbs three different times. First time with no support. Second time with MFP and the third time with TOP (take off pounds sensibly. On 2/8 I weighed 194 returning from a vacation in New Orleans. A trip to Mexico in November is my motivation to LOOSE. I am a nudist and my skin is…
  • Absolutely perfect. Thanks for the timely response! So helpful...:)
  • Can someone help me. I came back in to update my day 2 and can't find my post. There has got to be a simpler way than scrolling through all of them.
  • 72 yo active 192 pounder living near Eugene, Oregon...Just back on MFP after a huge lapse in time and a gain of 40 pounds. When I am committed to MFP it is easier for me not to drink. Adding those alcohol calories is difficult as they add up so fast. When I am not calorie counting I have could care less. Until I feel I…
  • My details ...grrr. Active 72 yo living near Eugene, Oregon. I have lost over 50 pounds three times. Fitness Pal several years ago was a success story for me. TOPS (Take off pounds sensibly) another time. Plant base diet another time. Just started back on MFP February 9th. Getting off to a good start. 5'7' and todays…
  • I don't get the connection at all.
  • When friends walk into my house they ask if I have it staged for selling. Am I moving in or moving out. LOL For several years now I have tried to minimize. Mostly as a gift to my two children so they have less work in case I should take a journey of no return. :) (Sounds better than die!) I also rid myself of toxic people…
  • I love this post. I went from 213 to 146.5....over two years ago and now I am at 183. I know exactly what happened. I quit logging in. Thanks for your post it is motivating for me to read all the comments.
  • Your internal organs and especially your heart must be doing a happy dance! Congrats on all the hard work.