

  • Don't feel bad. I can't reach my "recommended" calories either. I've almost given up on logging my food because I know that i'm not reaching that level. I am sticking with the program though. It was suggested to me to eat higher calorie healthy food, so i will pass that along to you. I haven't logged anything in my diary,…
  • Thanks for the very encouraging words...i am going to continue and try to find foods less in sodium...also...i have not been tested for diabetes...although i did have gestational diabetes while pregnant with my son (he's 4 now). Going to keep my head held high and hope for the best....
  • :smile: i added you..and thanks for the encouraging words on my post...
  • about 800 and gaining....this last week i've drank more water than i have ever drank, a few days i may have had 1000 calories...and i'm going for walks, doing some aerobics, etc...I've been eating more vegetables...tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, salads....i've went from skipping breakfast/eating late lunch/then having supper…
  • I don't know of anyone in my family that has thyroid issues...but my daughter has some nodules on her energy is fair, but not the greatest...i get wore out really easily.
  • At this point i have been documenting everything. I'm not weighing any of my food, but i am measuring to the best of my ability. I am definately going to try my hardest to do the best I can....I didn't review my diary with my dr yet, i think right now it's getting my blood pressure under control and my back pain...(in near…
  • I opened my diary to you...and i did forget to state that my doctor put me on a water pill to because i am retaining quite a bit of fluid in my legs/ankles
  • I don't like to use the word can't, but i can't eat that much...i feel full all the time...almost to the point of feeling so stuffed that i don't want to eat supper. I am trying to be more active...walking, aerobics, etc...i get wore out so easily plus i have issues with my back/hips/knees that hold me back from doing high…
  • Hot, but i'm not into girls...
  • I am looking for friends as well. I fit in this category. I could use encouragement as well. I'm get very discouraged easily, but I am not giving up easily!. I am having a hard time getting my goal calories in...I completely feel stuffed. I just started this less than a week ago and I love it so far. I'm looking to lose 80…
  • I'm 36 and could use friends as well. I just started earlier this week. Any encouragement/advice is welcome!
  • I took in 880 calories..i'm going to try a different approach today...maybe instead of eating mostly vegetable for lunch, i'll eat a sandwich and for supper eat more vegetables..
  • My chart says i have over 1000 calories remaining...and i'm ready to go to bed....I will see what happens tomorrow...
  • It's not bad long as they are 4 girls ( 2 14 year olds, and 2 10 year olds) and 2 boys (one 18 years old and 1 4 years old)...Be glad when school starts back...I love it and wouldn't change it.
  • Stay at home mom of 6...Cumberland County, Kentucky
  • I'm trying to use my vegatables as my lunch/snack...tomatoes, cucumber, etc...i used to be an off the wall eater....skip breakfast/lunch and get a snack in mid afternoon, and then eat supper. I have also been walking some too...which other than the burning in my hips (rather believe it's my muscles saying hey this is…
  • Amanda, I lost a lot of weight during my last pregnancy due to me having to be on a controlled diet. But i have gained it all back plus some. I just joined this program because i want it gone. My first step was making a decision and setting my goals. Feel free to add me as a friend and maybe together we can make it work. I…
  • Thank you for your encouragement!!! I sure do hope that this works for me... I am highly motivated at this point, just getting started and hoping to find the "right" way.