jenfaye Member


  • Welcome! Definitely go for that goal! Proving people wrong is definitely a great motivation. Good Luck!
    in new to mfp Comment by jenfaye March 2011
  • Mee too. It sucks! :cry: Just keep going. I think I'm going to put a picture of myself when i was thin on my phone so when I look at it, it'll remind me not to eat junk food since I look at my phone all the time. Good Luck!!!
  • Hi... I'll add you. It's always nice to have people to motivate, especially during hard days of a diet! - Jen:smile:
  • Thanks everyone for the recommendations. Will definitely look into every one of them.
  • I'm on the same boat as you. Trying to get back on track and get Me Back!!! Good Luck!
    in Hi Comment by jenfaye March 2011
  • Food!!!! Lol... but my main food weakness is Sushi!
  • I weigh myself every Monday to see how good, or bad, I did during the past week. My plan is if I'm not happy with the results, I adjust my food intake and change my workout routine. I usually stick to 1 work out routine, like working out on the elliptical, for 1 whole week; that way I know what's working and what's not…
  • Thanks. I'll look into all those suggestions. I use those arch support inserts but for some reason it still not helping.
  • Hi Everyone, New to MFP. Got 80 lbs to lose and I'm hoping to get inspiration and motivation here. It's definitely going to be hard but I'm up for it! Trying to Me back and I'm determined!
  • I'm on the same boat as you but without any kids. Just trying to lose weight and eat healthier. Gained 50 lbs for the past 6 years so I'm trying to lose it all and get back to my original weight. Add me :smile: