Hi friends...

mjenne74 Posts: 40 Member
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
I joined myfitnesspal 5 days ago. It has changed my life already. I have tracked every thing I've put in my mouth. When I went to the Dr. last week, I weighed 260 pounds and I knew it was time to make a change. I started a 12 week program through my Doctor's office. That is when I discovered this app on my Droid.

I weighed in tonight and I've lost 6 pounds already! I am shocked but I guess I shouldn't be. I was probably consuming at least 2000 calories a day before...probably 2500. I didn't care and I paid no attention to labels. In the past 4 days, I've been able to cut down to 1200-1500 calories. My allowance is 1540 and I've been under everyday.

I would love some friends here for support. I don't want to start quickly and burn out. So feel free to add me as a friend. :)



  • mmellor
    mmellor Posts: 146
    Hi and Welcome...feel free to add me as a friend! Good Luck with your journey!
  • jenfaye
    jenfaye Posts: 14 Member

    I'll add you. It's always nice to have people to motivate, especially during hard days of a diet!

    - Jen:smile:
  • amm703
    amm703 Posts: 111 Member
    Great start, keep it going! You have found one of the best places not only to track your information but for support as well.

    Welcome Aboard

  • MizzDoc
    MizzDoc Posts: 493 Member
    Welcome and congrats on your new start to better health. Feel free to add me as well. I am always looking to make friends and be inspired by others!
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    You are doing a terrific job!!!!!! I too never kept track of what I ate and exercised when I got the urge. Using MFP has gotten me on the healthy track and giving me the motivation to exercise. I love it!!! I've been losing about a pound a week since I started just about 2 months ago. Feel free to add me as a friend!!
  • AGirlandHerFrenchie
    AGirlandHerFrenchie Posts: 448 Member
    Welcome to MFP!! Congrats on your weight loss so far. You're going to love this site. We're all here to support you!
  • G'day

    I am finding this app a heaven send. So many Doctors and Dieticians have told me to keep a food diary in the past but I just did not have the motivation to do so, but this app makes it so easy and I don't have to wait till my next dietician's appointment to find out how I am doing. This is only my 3rd day but in all honesty I am already feeling the benefits from eating less and getting the support and motivation by reading other people's story....Good Luck.

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