

  • Insanity. I am on day 36, which is the first day of month two. I haven't seen the scale move (at all), but I do see a difference in my body. I'll take that. :D
  • It is REALLY hard to keep going when you're not seeing a difference in the scale. I'm somewhere between 165 and 168 pounds, and I'm only just now starting to see any kind of real difference in myself (I'm on day 36 - first day of month 2), but I know I still haven't lost a single pound. I've sort of given up worrying about…
  • I'm on to month 2 now. I am FINALLY at the point where people are starting to notice that I look different. I stopped measuring myself and have mostly stayed off the scale though, because to be honest - I was getting really discouraged. There is absolutely no weight loss going on with me at all, but my body is starting to…
  • I am on day 23 of Insanity. I'm 42, mom of 3 kids...3 C-sections...I'm at 168 pounds and I'm about 5'5" tall. I have to say that the program is good. I like the workouts and I like the challenge of beating my mind. Staying really focused is key when you're working out with this program, and I say that knowing that I don't…
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