insanity and weight loss

hello all!
i am in month 2 of insanity and did the first month religiously and also followed the diet, i lost a BUNCH of inches but not a single pound came off. the first week of month 2 i was lazy and i only did it 3 out of 6 days and guess what? i lost 3-4 lbs by the end of that week. ive talked to a bunch of other people who had the same situation. they didnt shed weight until they cut down on how often they did the workouts.. has anyone on here found this to be true? i feel like failure if i dont do the 6 days a week but if im losing weight by only doing 3 then thats what im probably going to do since that was the whole point of starting insanity to begin with lol


  • harphy
    harphy Posts: 290 Member
    No, you are loosing weight because your body has stopped holding water and because first month has boost your metabolism. What you are experiencing is aftermath of your effort in first month. Majority of people I know, including me, lost most weight after second week of second month. Try finish Insanity according to schedule.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    If you are working out less often, it could be water weight. Your muscles don't need to hold onto as much water for repair.
  • BrownEyeAngel
    BrownEyeAngel Posts: 331 Member
    No, you are loosing weight because your body has stopped holding water and because first month has boost your metabolism. What you are experiencing is aftermath of your effort in first month. Majority of people I know, including me, lost most weight after second week of second month. Try finish Insanity according to schedule.
    I agree with her. I am currently on my 4th week and I have gained 3lbs. But I lost a lot of inches so far the scale has been depressing to see so I have decided to stay off of it and only check my weight of Fit Test days. The only problem I have with the program is my calves the burn sooo bad that I have no choice to break. And it seems that the program is getting harder and harder everyday and nothing has changed so far. I just keep pushing play and digging deeper!
  • L8BarMom
    L8BarMom Posts: 4
    It is REALLY hard to keep going when you're not seeing a difference in the scale. I'm somewhere between 165 and 168 pounds, and I'm only just now starting to see any kind of real difference in myself (I'm on day 36 - first day of month 2), but I know I still haven't lost a single pound. I've sort of given up worrying about the scale - this has now become more of a personal challenge to see if I can actually finish the darn thing. At first I kept hearing "Oh wait, you'll start losing weight after the second week." and now I'm reading "Oh, it'll happen in month two." Personally I'm starting to believe my metabolism stopped working altogether and I'm going to be stuck at this weight forever. I'm eating directly from the book, doing exactly what it says, and working out the way I'm supposed to be, so surely something has to happen eventually. I hope. If nothing else, I FEEL better than I did...

    I did the first workout of month two today and oh boy did it kick me in the behind. I was really getting pretty good at the month one workouts, so I have to hope that I will continue to improve this time too. It's such a mind game - you have to stay so focused to will your body to go beyond what your mind is telling you it can do. Today was about my learning the moves, but hopefully next time I'll be even better. It was SO hard though!!!
  • carakit
    carakit Posts: 126 Member
    I am just beginning the 3rd week in the first month and I have gained 4lbs which has been discouraging. However, I have lost inches in my waist and hips. Today I did my Fit Test and I added about 10 reps to each exercise. Right now I am contemplating doing the first month again instead of moving on to month two. Glad to know that Im not the only one having these problems! Im just proud of myself for sticking with it usually by now I have flaked out and quit something like this. And BrownEyeAngel my calves were killing me also, luckily that only lasted the first week.

    I say stay with it you will see the results!
  • arnie421
    arnie421 Posts: 16
    Just keep on going. When doing Insanity, you are losing fat while gaining muscle at the same time. Don't be discouraged what the number says on the scale because you can lose for say 5 pounds of fat, while gaining 4 pounds of muscle. When it comes down to it, I'd rather lose 1 pound of fat rather than 1-5 pounds of muscle.
  • proudmommy1003
    proudmommy1003 Posts: 329 Member
    It happens I am doing p90x and got sick, cold, fever headaches, etc so had to stop for a week. Starting back tomorrow
    Anyway, I lost 3 lbs this week and I have been eating the same calories as if I were exercising. It's just water weight so keep working out eventually the scale will move down again. You just have to be patient
  • tmuellenberg
    tmuellenberg Posts: 265 Member
    It took my body a while to start losing weight. I lost 0 lbs in month 1, but then in month 2 lost 17 lbs and I followed the workout schedule exactly as laid out.